PETA Sues Over Chimpanzee Held in Solitary Confinement for 17 Years

Our lawsuit contends that Joe is being harmed in violation of the Endangered Species Act.

Why Are Siegfried & Roy Still Putting Big Cats at Risk?

Two inbred tiger cubs are dead at The Mirage.

Bulls in India Are Safe From Cruel ‘Sports’—for Now

For now, bulls in India are safe from bull-taming spectacles and bull races. But PETA India is working to protect them permanently.

Great White Shark Dies After Just Three Days in Aquarium

He didn’t understand how to swim in a tank because he was never meant to live there.

Worst Groupon Deals Ever

PETA gives Groupon some spot-on advice.

News! Ringling to Take All Elephants off the Road in May

Instead of forcing lame, ailing elephants to be hauled around the country in dark boxcars until 2018, Ringling Bros. is ending elephant acts this spring.

Second Protest Outside Bowmanville Zoo Keeps Heat on Tiger Abuser

A second protest in one week outside the Bowmanville Zoo makes it clear that there’s nothing “entertaining” about abusing animals.

Keith Gilligan / Metroland
Countdown to Cruelty: Live Opossum Tormented in Three, Two, One …

It’s almost 2016, but a tiny town in North Carolina is still clinging to a cruel event that resembles something out of the Dark Ages.

Orcas Take Over Baggage Claim at Orlando Airport

Orcas took over the conveyor belt to ask holiday travelers to steer clear of SeaWorld.

UPDATE: Hollywood Animal Trainer Charged with Five Counts of Cruelty to Animals

After a PETA eyewitness caught a Hollywood animal trainer on video whipping a Siberian tiger named Uno, the trainer has been charged with cruelty to animals.

SeaWorld Shareholder Resolution Offers the Company a Bailout Plan

It’s time for SeaWorld to face the music. Its business model is dead, its reputation is in the toilet, and its financial situation is a cautionary tale.

Chimpanzee Lisa Marie Is Finally Free

Lisa Marie has gone from a tiny cage in a cramped basement to a lush island sanctuary.

Feds Reward Abusive Circus Instead of Punishing It

Why do the agencies mandated to protect animals give abusers a free pass?

Artists Pay Huge Tribute to the World’s Loneliest Orca

Lolita the orca goes from a concrete tank to a concrete wall … and we’re happy about it.

Mural by Shalak Attack and Bruno Smoky
Photo by Jenna Lyn Pimentel
Video: Lame, Struggling Elephants Still on the Road With Ringling

Ringling still hauls ailing elephants around the country and forces them to perform.

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