CBS Icon Bob Barker Calls On Network to Ban Use of Wild Animals

For animals forced to perform for human entertainment, Bob Barker says the price is always too high.
Bowmanville Zoo to Close its Doors

Following an undercover investigation by PETA, the Bowmanville Zoo says it will will close its doors.

PETA to Georgia Aquarium: Move Beyond Basic Decency

The belugas who were captured shouldn’t be left to languish in small tanks.

‘Nightmarish Tiger Sweatshop’ Gets Notice of PETA’s Intent to Sue

PETA intends to present evidence that Dade City’s Wild Things is abusive and a habitual violator of the Endangered Species Act.

Olympic Torch Ceremony Ends With Fatal Shooting of Captive Jaguar

Another animal used for human entertainment is dead.

© Freder
Zoo Lands in Hot Water After PETA Complaint About Animal Suffering

Once again, a roadside zoo earns itself a pile of citations for violating the Animal Welfare Act.

Why Is There a Handcuffed Chimpanzee in Newspapers Across the Country?

You may have noticed that today in the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal, there was a chimpanzee handcuffed by strips of film.

Monkey Screams, Struggles as Group Promotes Its ‘Humane’ Zoo Standards

The American Humane Association has long been criticized for its cozy relationship with animal trainers, and now it’s under fire again.

Is Cole Bros. Circus Pulling a Disappearing Act?

It may be the end of the line for Cole Bros. Circus.

What’s the Message in ‘Finding Dory’?

Go see ‘Finding Dory’ … and steer clear of aquariums.

Video: Door Severs Lion’s Tail; Oregon Zookeeper Dismisses It

Once again, an animal’s blood is on the hands of the zoo industry.

© Krebs
Exhibitor Uses Electric Prod to Make Zebras and Camels Perform

Animals deserve better than circus abuse.

Ryan KC Wong
Dolphin Defender Has Changed the Way the World Thinks

Can a single person change the world? Yes!

The Cliché of the Sea Lion Balancing a Ball on Her Nose Continues

Abusive exhibitors truck sea lions across the country and force them to perform meaningless tricks and pose for pictures with the public.

Gillian Anderson to SeaWorld: Release the Orcas

At SeaWorld’s annual meeting, Gillian Anderson speaks her mind.

Stephen Busken
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