Show of Force: Hundreds in L.A. Rally Against Ringling Bros.

The largest Ringling protests in the country call on “The Cruelest Show on Earth” to free ALL animals and send them to sanctuaries.

Nosey the Elephant’s Medieval Fair Rides May Be Illegal

Hugo Liebel is at it again, forcing ailing elephant Nosey to give rides. But this time, it looks like the performances may be illegal.

More Than 20 Animals Died When a Touch Pool Tank Stopped Working

One more reason to stay away from aquariums.

This Man’s Death Was Horrible – But What Happens to Bulls Is Much Worse

A matador was gored to death live on Spanish TV this weekend.

‘Tigers’ Seen Prowling Outside LA City Hall (Photos)

These big cats didn’t escape from the circus, but they want to.

Alec Baldwin to USDA: Do Your Job and Ban Bear Pits

Alec Baldwin sends a message to the USDA: Ban cruel bear pits immediately.

No Elephants, White or Otherwise, at This Flea Market

An Indiana flea market tells an elephant exploiter to hit the road.

Bulls Run to the White House to Tell Obama: Bull Runs Are Bullsh*t

A stampede of bulls chased visitors outside the White House to ask the president not to be a bully to bulls on his trip to Spain.

Mayor of Pamplona Voices Support for Anti-Bullfighting Protesters!

Pamplona’s mayor, Joseba Asirón, voiced support for the protest.

New South Wales, Australia, Announces Historic Ban on Greyhound Racing

In a historic milestone for animals, NSW Premier Mike Baird has announced a state-wide ban on greyhound racing, after a “damning” report condemned the cruel industry.

Mass ‘Bloodbath’ in Pamplona’s Main Square Marks Start of Grisly Running of the Bulls

Dozens of people from all over the world took part in a “bloody” protest against bullfighting and the Running of the Bulls.

12 Iconic Photos From Protests Against the Running of the Bulls

Help boost the anti-bullfighting movement by joining the campaign to get more Spanish cities to ban these barbaric events.

Robotic Bear Voiced by Casey Affleck Works to Free Captive Bears

What is 7 feet tall, looks like a bear, and sounds like Casey Affleck?

Tiger’s Raw Wound Is Hard to Look At

Every day is a miserable one in these roadside zoos.

MasterCard Says No to Animals in Captivity

One day. That’s how long it took MasterCard to take action to help dolphins.

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