Rescued! 13 Bears Get a New Lease on Life

Thirteen rescued bears have a new, beautiful life. 

Street Artist Depicts Everything Wrong With Bullfighting

People in São Paulo, Brazil, are getting a graphic message about this barbaric “sport.”

PETA Takes Orca Virtual Reality to All Three SeaWorld Parks

After seeing inside an orca’s world, tourists probably won’t want to see inside SeaWorld.

Photo by Hal Weiss
Naked “Orcas” Arrested During Lolita Protest at Miami Airport

“Orcas” demand that the Miami Seaquarium free Lolita and send her to a sanctuary where she can experience some semblance of a natural life.

Is This the Saddest Zoo in the World?

Polar bears, penguins, wolves, and hundreds of other animals are languishing in a shopping mall in China. Here’s what you can do to help shut this abomination down.

7 Horses in 10 Days Dead at Del Mar Racetrack

The Del Mar Racetrack has become a killing field.

© A Sanchez
VICTORY: Dublin Council Votes to Ban Wild-Animal Circuses

Dublin joins Limerick, Galway , and others who have taken a stand against circuses that force animals such as elephants, tigers, and zebras to perform.

‘The Walking Dead’ Takes a Bite out of Cruelty to Animals

The Walking Dead’s seventh season is bound to be gory—but it won’t be cruel.

Video: Woman Mauled to Death by Tiger in Beijing Drive-Through Safari Park

A woman mauled to death by a tiger at this Chinese facility is just the latest human casualty of keeping wild animals locked up for “entertainment.”

This Is Why Banning the Running of the Bulls Is a Feminist Issue

Thirty women’s, children’s, and animal-protection groups have come together to demand an end to violence at the San Fermín festival.

This Is What Life Is Like for a Bear in the Chinese Circus Industry

Meet a bear whose life in the Chinese circus industry is filled with torment.

Toronto Animal Services to Justin Bieber: Don’t Exhibit Exotic Animals

Animals aren’t ours to use for entertainment—although it’s a simple enough statement, the singer repeatedly struggles to understand its meaning.

Victory! Rhode Island Bans Bullhooks

One state down, 49 more to go …

Does the Bowmanville Zoo Use BB Guns to ‘Control’ Animals?

Eyewitnesses report that a giraffe was shot at with a BB gun at the Bowmanville Zoo in Ontario.

Bear Cubs Hit, Chained, and Deprived in the Chinese Circus Industry

Throughout China, circuses, traveling shows, and roadside zoos force animals—including bears, monkeys, tigers, lions, dogs, and others—to perform for the public.

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