PETA Goes to Feds Over Animals Limping, Losing Hair at Roadside Zoo

Enough is enough. An eyewitness has once again filmed animals in apparent need of medical care at Tregembo Animal Park.

Melha Shrine Circus Brings Cruel Animal Acts Back for 2017, PETA Responds

The Melha Shrine Circus describes itself as “the circus with a purpose,” but there’s no mistaking the purpose of a bullhook.

R.I.P., Riccardo: Remembering One of the Youngest Ringling Fatalities

The tragic deaths of Riccardo the elephant and other animals at Ringling Bros. reminds us why all circuses should fold up their tents.

VICTORY: Guatemala Bans Animals in Circuses!

The nation has done the right thing for animals by passing a law that bans circuses from using them.

Council Member Harris Given Proof of Circus Cruelty That She Requested

PETA provided overwhelming evidence of animal abuse to the council member, and we think an apology is in order.

Tigers Left Without Water Inside Cramped, Broken-Down Truck

The Hawthorn Corporation’s shameful record of animal abuse includes more than 200 violations and goes back nearly two decades.

Circus 1903 Creates a New Golden Age of Live Performance

You have to see this thrilling “turn-of-the-century” circus spectacular.

Photo Credit: Mark Turner
Victory! Arena Persuades Circus to Leave Animals Out of Its Show

Today, no animals will be forced to perform for human entertainment at the Union Arena Community Center in Woodstock, Vermont.

Ryan KC Wong
23 Examples of Euphemisms About Animals

There are many examples of euphemisms that make animal abuse sound pleasant. Now, PETA is here to help update your thesaurus.

Donkey Basketball Games Are Inhumane

Cruel “donkey basketball” games place the lives of animals, participants, and bystanders at risk.

PETA to Red Wings: Toss Octopus-Tossing Fans out of Joe Louis Arena

In a letter to the Detroit Red Wings’ president and CEO, PETA is asking the NHL team to encourage fans not to fling octopuses onto the ice.

Ruby Rose Hopes Fans Make the Change for Climate Change

Actor and model Ruby Rose is concerned about climate change and knows a particularly effective way to help address it.

European Zoo Authority Agrees to Add Elephant Protections—in 10 Years?

The European Association of Zoos and Aquaria has agreed to switch to “protected contact.” So what’s the holdup?

More Violations for Covino Brother in Aquarium Business Dealings

The Covino brothers have an ever-growing list of violations and fines. Apparently animals—and potential investors—aren’t safe in their hands.

R.I.P., Doctor Titilo

Doctor Titilo’s owner didn’t care about the horse’s age. He just wanted the bragging rights for getting him to run in 200 races.

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