Minyak’s Life and Death Remind Us to Rejoice in Ringling’s Demise

Minyak spent the majority of her 46 years on Earth performing in the circus, where she performed mindless, stupid tricks under the constant threat of beatings.

France Bans Captive Breeding of Orcas and Other Dolphins

The new rules also give French marine parks three years to meet new minimum tank sizes, and ban direct contact between the public and orcas and other dolphins.

© iStock.com/Tashka
Remembering Karen, the Elephant Who Suffered for 47 Years at Ringling

Torn away from her mother, shipped around the world, beaten with a bullhook, and forced to perform while suffering from lameness—this is Karen’s story.

Take Action for These Wounded Elephants at Shrine Circus

These photos and video obtained by PETA reveal the pain and misery that elephants abused in the circus endure.

World Spree Travel Bans Elephant Rides After PETA Appeal

The Bellevue, Washington, travel agency joins dozens of others in prohibiting cruel attractions.

© iStock.com/Kyslynskyy
PETA Asks Vegas Casinos to Give Kentucky Derby Horses the NFL Treatment

Only select industry insiders know the real physical problems with the horses, while the betting public is kept in the dark.

© iStock.com/Roberto A Sanchez
Victory! Last Great Ape in German Circus Headed to Sanctuary

After years of campaigning by PETA Germany, a court has ordered that 42-year-old chimpanzee Robby, the last great ape in a German circus, be transferred to a sanctuary.

‘Dead Orcas’ Hang Over L.A. Freeway During SeaWorld Protest

SeaWorld is targeting Los Angeles residents, so PETA is, too—by dropping banners and “dead orcas” over downtown bridges to protest the parks.

Elephant Kenny Was Still a Baby When He Died at Ringling

It’s too late for Kenny, but other elephants are still being abused by circuses today, nearly 20 years after his death. Help us stop this.

See the Airplane Banner PETA Is Flying Near SeaWorld San Antonio

We timed the overhead orca offensive to coincide with San Antonio’s largest annual celebration.

Shocking Monkey-Dog-Sheep Rodeo and How PETA Members Got It Stopped

A professional baseball team allows monkeys to be strapped to dogs who chase sheep? Animal advocates went ape.

Dade City’s Wild Things Cited for Shipping 3-Week-Old Bobcats

PETA urged the U.S. Department of Agriculture to hold Dade City’s Wild Things accountable for shipping 3-week-old bobcats to Oregon.

© iStock.com/Kenneth Canning
Carson & Barnes Director Caught Beating Elephants to ‘Make ‘Em Scream’

It’s no surprise that such a notorious animal abuser works for Carson & Barnes Circus.

PETA Supporters Ended This Ritual of Dog and Bull Torture

Our victories for animals are yours as well! Together, we can create a better world for everyone.

PETA’s Claws Come Out After Bear Urinates on Herself at Shrine Circus

Bears should not be muzzled, dragged around on leashes, or forced to balance on balls, climb stairs on their front paws, and ride bicycles.

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