Bears Can Face Summer Challenges In Roadside Zoos

In 5 years, PETA has rescued 60 bears from misery in captivity. One of our members explains to NPR why we have to keep fighting for these animals.

The Proof Is in the Numbers: Animal Circuses Are on the Way Out

Circuses that exploit animals are well on their way to the dustbin of history.

© Freder
Orca Kasatka Dead at SeaWorld—Condition Called ‘Painful Way to Die’

Kasatka is the third orca to die at SeaWorld this year—help make her the last.

Carson & Barnes Circus Is Touring Again—Help Make This Tour Its Last

It looks as though Carson & Barnes is trying to stage a comeback. Here’s what you can do to stop it.

Another Baby Elephant Dies at Ringling’s ‘Retirement’ Center

Deaths, disease, shackling, and abusive training methods—that’s what you’ll find inside Ringling’s shady Center for Elephant Conservation.

Another Captive Whale Dead—This One at 5 Years Old

Gia, a young beluga born into captivity at Marineland Canada, has died from an apparent intestinal blockage.

These Activists Jumped Into a Bullfighting Ring in France (Video)

Taking a stand against violence to animals got them kicked and violently thrown to the ground.

Illinois Becomes First State Ever to Ban Traveling Elephant Acts

Numerous towns, states, and even entire countries have banned wild-animal acts, and the world is exclaiming to animal abusers, “Either you end the shows, or we will!”

How Low Can You Go? SeaWorld Stock Plummets to Record Low

But the company’s shares aren’t the only thing taking a nosedive—park attendance and revenue continues to fall. Tell SeaWorld to save itself: Empty the tanks.

Why Is SeaWorld Still Refusing to Release Tilikum’s Necropsy?

Animal rights groups are demanding transparency and public accountability in the face of SeaWorld’s refusal to release Tilikum’s medical history.

SeaWorld and Lamar Tried to Shush PETA. It Backfired Perfectly.

As SeaWorld may be learning, we will not be silenced.

© Ingrid N. Visser, PhD
Forty-Seven Years Ago, Lolita Was Torn Away From Her Family.

At only 4 years old, she was torn away from her family and ocean home during the largest capture of wild orcas in history.

Robert Pattinson Refuses to Molest Dog for New Film ‘Good Time’

Thankfully, this dog found an advocate in RPattz, but this is one more example demonstrating why it’s never a “good time” to be an animal used in films.

Northport Fire Department Responds to Banana Derby Protests by Banning ALL Animal Acts

After PETA and LION members called for the Banana Derby act to be excluded from the East Northport Fireman’s Fair, the department responded by banning all animal acts.

Ringling to Export Tigers: Deal Violates Endangered Species Act, Says PETA

Despicable to its core, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will not allow the animals it exploited to live free from circus life.

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