This Will Brighten Your Day: Santa Fe Just Banned Animal Acts

Santa Feans demanded a more compassionate city, and their leaders have delivered.

How Hollywood Casts Animals Into a Lifetime of Misery and Suffering

Hollywood must be held responsible for what happens when the cameras stop rolling.

© Paramount Pictures
After Fatal Georgia Tiger Shooting, 14 More Big Cats Turn Up

Feld Entertainment should never have been given a permit to export these big cats. One has already died after escaping and being shot.

Movie in Hot Water for Using Abused Elephant in Filming

Adding insult to injury, ‘Saving Flora’ tells the story of an elephant trying to escape the circus—a reality all-too-familiar for elephants used in film.

Crippled Elephants at Garden Bros. Circus Are Why Animal Acts Must End

Dr. Ensley confirmed what PETA has known for years: Libby and Bunny are suffering immensely.

Watch as Thousands Around the World March for Animal Rights

Across the globe, PETA supporters turned out in droves in support of the Animal Rights March.

PETA’s News Roundup for August

Get ready to be inspired: See how, together, we helped get another sham sanctuary shut down as well as many other victories that we won for animals.

PETA Asks Leonardo DiCaprio to Help Save ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Co-Star

Chance, the chimpanzee who appeared in “The Wolf of Wall Street,” is yanked by a leash and forced to perform tricks at a Florida roadside zoo.

Deplorable: Eyewitness Photos Show Orca at SeaWorld Covered in Injuries

“I will never forgive SeaWorld for what they have done.” —Eyewitness

© Chelsy S., Eyewitness
Hawthorn’s Death Toll Shows Why People Should Avoid Animal Circuses

Despite multiple citations from the USDA this year alone, Hawthorn’s death toll continues to climb.

Whistleblower: Animals Beaten Bloody, Starved at Garden Bros. Circus

The former employee characterized Zack Garden’s instruction on handling animals as “really violent” but said that it was “circus courtesy” to ignore the animals’ suffering.

PETA Video Reveals Bears at Roadside Zoo Left to Bake in Summer Heat

“I saw the two most miserable bears I’ve ever seen.”

USDA May Stop Rubber-Stamping AWA License Renewals—but We Must Follow Through

After years of pressure from PETA, the agency is considering cutting its outrageous policy of automatically renewing federal Animal Welfare Act licenses.

Victory! Animal Planet’s ‘Call of the Wildman’ Producer Fined

A producer of the “reality” show is finally being hit with a real fine from the USDA for a number of staged scenes that caused animals to suffer.

Watch The True Story of Lily, One of 1,100 Bears Imprisoned in U.S. Roadside Zoos

“They put me in a tiny cage with a concrete floor, and only a tire swing to play with.”

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