Update: USDA Confirms That Wilson’s Wild Animal Park Is Still Terrible

It’s another day, another bad USDA inspection report for Wilson’s Wild Animal Park.

Victory! Relief Is Coming for Big Cats Suffering at ‘Wildlife in Need’

A court order immediately stops the roadside zoo from carrying out declawing amputations on big cats, separating cubs from their mothers, and holding “Tiger Baby Playtime” events.

Lions Turn the Tables, Eat Probable Hunter

Authorities discovered the remains of a man’s body. Lying next to it were a hunting rifle and ammunition.

© iStock.com/GlobalP
Victory! Here Are 13 Ways PETA Crushed December and January

From demonstrating at football games to winning in the courts and rescuing bears, we won’t stop until all animals are liberated.

Activists Install Haunting Orca ‘Graveyard’ Outside of Thomas Cook’s Annual General Meeting

Each “gravestone” represented one of the 41 orcas who have died on SeaWorld’s watch.

PETA Files Petition for Rehearing of Lolita Lawsuit against Miami Seaquarium

The fight for the release of the trapped orca continues.

Bear Cries Out While Forced to Pose for Photos With Children

Eyewitness footage shows that the abusive Great Bear Show torments bears and endangers children.

The 15 Most Awesome Photos of People Standing Up for Animals This Week

From being chained up at the Detroit Auto Show to having their “skin” ripped off in Times Square, there’s little that PETA supporters won’t do.

© Rachel Woolf
Did You Ride an Elephant? See Where She Was Probably ‘Trained’

How are elephants “trained” to carry tourists around on their backs? Go inside the secretive training camps and see for yourself.

Racetrack Ignores Risks, and Horse Dies

Horses aren’t meant to run on “frozen tundra.”

20 Times Twitter Users Summed Up How We Feel About Nosey’s Good News

Nosey the elephant is free from her abusers—Twitter can’t stop celebrating, and neither can we.

‘Ice Maidens’ Shame Iditarod Mushers by Crossing Antarctica Dog-Free

Iditarod enthusiasts, take note: These women accomplished a trailblazing feat without exploiting or killing dogs.

Will Malia Die of a Painful Infection Like So Many Orcas Before Her?

More than half of all orca deaths at SeaWorld are caused by infections.

Floor of Truck Hauling Elephants to Carson & Barnes Act Caves on Highway

Carson & Barnes Circus has made headlines yet again for its total disregard for animals’ well-being.

Victory! Nosey the Elephant Will Remain Out of Reach of Abusive Former Handler, Hugo Liebel

Thanks to the efforts of a few heroes, Nosey the elephant will remain far away from chains and the humans who want to exploit her for profit.

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