UPDATE: Pittsburgh Zoo Failed Baby Elephant and Her Mom, Reports Reveal

The Pittsburgh Zoo claims to have a “conservation center,” but this telling new report proves otherwise. Help us end the zoo’s archaic elephant program.

Massive Travel Company Stops Sending Tourists to Cruel Running of the Bulls

Many of the tourists who go to Pamplona to run with the bulls have no idea what happens to the animals afterwards.

Top 4 Reasons to Add ‘Mowgli’ to Your Netflix Queue

From keeping wild animals off set to depicting a hunter who gets his due, “Mowgli” is a treat for movie buffs and animal advocates alike.

Netflix, Inc
Elephants and Horses Do Not Belong at Weddings

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas reportedly rode an elephant and a horse at their wedding last weekend.

ICYMI: 9 Big Victories You Scored for Animals This Month

Take a look at what you and PETA—together—achieved for animals in just one month.

PETA Exposes the Suffering of 10 Dogs Used by Hemopet

Sick, suffering, and stressed, the greyhounds imprisoned at Hemopet were forgotten by the world—but PETA wants you to know their stories.

‘Tiger King’ Villain Jeff Lowe Is a Wanted Man in Las Vegas (Again)

Less than a month after feds seized 69 big cats from his ramshackle Tiger King Park (and less than a week after he was arrested on suspicion of DUI), Jeff Lowe is in more legal hot water.

© City of Las Vegas Marshal
A Win for Animals! China Reinstates Ban on Rhino Horn and Tiger Bone

PETA Asia and animal advocates around the world will continue working to ensure that rhinoceroses and tigers are not killed for unproven ancient remedies.

© iStock.com/wrangel
UniverSoul’s 25th Year: Here Are 25 Times the Infamous Circus Was Hell for Animals

Stop UniverSoul from exploiting animals for another year. Demand that the infamous circus shut down its wild-animal acts now.

Victory! Dog-Racing Industry CRUSHED After Florida Votes to Ban Races

Florida votes to shut down 11 of the 17 U.S. greyhound-racing tracks—hopefully signaling the end of this abusive, greed-driven industry.

PETA Mobile Ads Shame SeaWorld, Miami Seaquarium in Their Own Neighborhoods

PETA’s head-turning billboards circled the streets around SeaWorld and the Miami Seaquarium for hours urging people to avoid these animal prisons.

SeaWorld Takes a Hit, Badger Brushes Banned—PETA Just Keeps Winning for Animals

Fall is here, and while everything from the trees to the weather is starting to change, PETA’s track record for success always stays constant.

Dog and Chimpanzee Beaten to Force Them to Perform for Reality Show

PETA Asia called for a boycott of a new reality TV show in China called “We Are Friends” after receiving footage of abuse behind the scenes.

Zhejiang TV Official Channel | YouTube
VIDEO: A Lion, a Little Girl, and a Tragedy—Using Animals in Circuses Must End

Had this circus company opted to do the right thing by featuring only willing human performers, this tragic incident would never have occurred.

Update: New Jersey Governor Expected to Sign Nosey’s Law

Despite setbacks earlier this year, New Jersey is on track to become the first state ever to ban wild animals from traveling acts!

© iStock.com/Dirk Freder
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