Pig Racing Slated for New Jersey Youth Carnival Is Canceled

April 2002 After receiving calls of concern about a pig-racing event planned for a youth sports organization’s carnival in North Brunswick, New Jersey, PETA wrote to the chairperson of the organizing committee to ask that the cruel and exploitative event be canceled. Two weeks went by without a response, so we contacted the city’s mayor to … Read more »

Shark Kept Captive at a Michigan Bar Is Released Into Natural Habitat

April 2002 PETA members near Detroit, Michigan, contacted us when they heard that a local bar with a nurse shark in a small aquarium was going out of business. By the time we received word of the bar’s closing, the bar owner had already taken the shark to a pet store. With the help of the … Read more »

Indiana School District Swears Off Using Animals for Fundraisers

April 2002 PETA contacted the principals of Zionsville Middle Schools and the district’s superintendent after learning that a donkey basketball game was planned at the schools the following week. We and the activists, who had contacted us, implored the principals to replace the cruel event with a more humane one that wouldn’t subject animals to potential … Read more »

Alligator and Turtle Displays Are Removed From Two Florida McDonald’s

April 2002 PETA received complaints about alligators and turtles on display at a Florida McDonald’s. We learned that the animals were provided by a notoriously cruel area alligator park called Gatorland. We had investigated this facility in 1995 and found horrifying conditions for animals. Alligators were being used for photo ops with visitors and were usually … Read more »

Michigan City Votes to Keep a Bear out of the Zoo

April 2002  

New Jersey Education Group Denounces Donkey Basketball

January 2002 When a New Jersey activist called us for help in persuading the Monmouth, New Jersey, Education Association (NJEA) to ban donkey basketball, we eagerly provided her with materials explaining why donkey basketball is cruel to the animals and a harmful spectacle for children. In addition, we wrote to the president of the NJEA and … Read more »

“Bloodless” Bullfight Canceled in Paris

January 2002 When PETA was alerted that a “bloodless” bullfight was to be held at the Stade de France in Paris, we immediately sent a letter to the president of the consortium of the large venue, explaining the inherent cruelty and barbaric nature of such events and asking that it be called off immediately. We also … Read more »

USDA Seizes 28 Big Cats From Animal Exhibitor

January 2002 In March 2001, PETA began receiving complaints about the use of big cats for photo ops at American Furniture stores, based in Colorado. We immediately contacted store officials to alert them to the cruelty of exploiting animals for profit and to provide information to them about Gatekeepers Wildlife Sanctuary, the outfit supplying the animals. … Read more »

Maryland Schools Ban Animal Exploitation and Embrace Humane Education

January 2002 A concerned member sent PETA a flier distributed in her community by one of the few remaining donkey ball outfits that listed all the cities in which schools had recently used their services. We located the school districts that include each of the cities and wrote each superintendent a letter explaining the inherent cruelty … Read more »

Florida Shopping Center Vows to Ban Animal Exhibitors

January 2002 PETA was notified that The Zoo had set up at Coralwood Shopping Center in Cape Coral, Florida. We immediately faxed a letter to officials of the company that manages the property, alerting them to the cruelty associated with this tawdry display and asking that they reconsider contracting with animal exhibitors in the future. We … Read more »

Moscow Mayor Forbids “Bloodless” Bullfights

January 2002 Following an onslaught of letters, faxes, and e-mail messages from PETA and activists around the world, the mayor of Moscow decided to ban the bullfights that were being planned in Moscow. Though organizers claim that no bulls would have been killed in the Portuguese-style bullfights that were to be held in Moscow, Sergei Tsoi, … Read more »

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