PETA Demands Investigation of Serial Horse-Beater Jockey Ramon Vazquez

Video footage shows jockey Ramon Vazquez whipping filly Special Trip dozens of times until her skin broke.

BREAKING! Elephants in Nepal Beaten With Bullhooks and Sticks for Games

The Chitwan Elephant Festival forces elephants to “play” soccer under the threat of physical violence.

Victory! Ndume the Gorilla Arrives at Accredited Cincinnati Facility

Victory! Ndume the gorilla has been returned to the Cincinnati Zoo after a year-long ordeal in which The Gorilla Foundation refused to move him.

Legendary Smiths Guitarist Joins PETA U.K. to Call For End of Cruel Donkey Rides

Ahead of his performance in Greece, musical icon Johnny Marr has urged the Greek minister of tourism to end the exploitation of donkeys on the island of Santorini.

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Victory! Shriners Chapter Ends Use of Animals in Circuses

Shrine circuses are seeing that people don’t want to watch imprisoned animals do stupid tricks. Help us end all these abusive animal exhibits.

Trophy Hunter Turned Rare Black Giraffe Into Pillows and a Gun Case

In a rambling, grasping explanation, Tess Talley finally blurted out, “I’m not a conservationist—I’m a hunter.” For once, we’re in complete agreement.

After Decades of PETA Protests to Save the Whales and Dolphins, Canada Bans Whale and Dolphin Captivity

Efforts by PETA to save the whales and dolphins in Canada have paid off! In a historic victory, Canada has voted to ban whale and dolphin captivity.

New PETA India Investigation Documents That Bulls Are Still Suffering in Jallikattu

Bulls are poked and jabbed with sticks and sickles, hit, jumped on, tackled, bitten, and treated in other cruel ways.

PETA Veterinarian Calls on Trainers at SeaWorld to Stop Riding Dolphins

Trainers use the dolphins as surfboards, riding on their backs and standing on their faces in cruel and demeaning circus-style tricks.

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Elephant Crushes Safari Caretaker to Death After He Beats Her

When elephants retaliate against their captors’ abuse, things turn deadly fast. NEVER interact with elephants.

Orca Kayla’s Cause of Death at SeaWorld Announced

SeaWorld Orlando has announced orca Kayla’s cause of death: She reportedly died of “lung disease” in one of the park’s tanks at just 30 years old.

PETA-Approved Tips for Avoiding Fake Sanctuaries on Your Vacation

This National Geographic article can help travelers avoid attractions that falsely advertise ethical treatment of elephants, tigers, and other wild animals.

Outraged by the ‘Live Puppy Claw Machine’? Here’s What You Can Do.

A video making its way around Twitter purports to show live puppies trapped in a claw machine arcade game.

Horses Used for Racing Illegally Killed Just Feet From Others in a Slaughterhouse

“We knock out horses with the same hammer [captive-bolt gun] that we use for cows. Things may get a little messy if they do not pass out at the first blow.”

Licenses Revoked: An Unreported Dead Bird, Illegal Sloths among SeaQuest Violations

Flash’s face was burned so severely that his nose left an imprint behind on the heat lamp. Is it any surprise that this SeaQuest had its license revoked?

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