VIDEO: Zebra Used in Circus Shot Dead After Breaking Free

This is not an isolated incident: Runaway zebras have been gunned down, hit by cars, and more—all unnecessary reminders that animals don’t belong in circuses.

Hunting Outfit Has Buy-One-Get-One-Free Deal on Lions—Help PETA End It

If the group comes across a jackal or baboon, hunters are welcome to gun them down as well, for no additional charge.

Arrests Made After Elephant Is Shot 70 Times and Mutilated by Hunters

Malaysian officials arrested six men in the case of an endangered pygmy elephant who had been shot 70 times and whose tusks had been hacked off.

Win! Orangutan Sandra Gets to Retire to an Accredited Sanctuary

An Argentinian court has decided that Sandra is a “non-human person” deserving of rights—and now she’s on her way to her new home at an accredited sanctuary.

Big News! Airbnb Experiences Bar SeaWorld, Elephant Rides, Tiger Cub Petting, More

We can sleep better at night, knowing that a huge company like Airbnb bans direct-contact activities that abuse and exploit wild animals.

HISTORIC: TripAdvisor Denounces SeaWorld, Marine Mammal Captivity

The world’s largest travel site is once again taking a stand against animal abuse after working with PETA.

Victory! Elephant Performances Shut Out of Kentucky

Kentucky hammers another nail into the coffin of abusive elephant shows.

Woman Bites Camel in the Testicles After Crawling Into Truck Stop Pen

If you’re wondering why this camel was being kept at a gas station to begin with, you’re not alone.

Progress! Following Death of Beulah the Elephant, ‘Big E’ Goes Elephant-Free This Year

After Beulah the elephant’s death, The Big E fair heard PETA and more than 175,000 of our supporters. Help get Minnie the elephant into a real sanctuary!

Western Mass News | YouTube
Laid Off by SeaWorld? Help Animals—Be a Whistleblower

SeaWorld laid off 100 workers, and now PETA is asking these former employees to contact us with any information about animal suffering.

BREAKING: Yet Another CEO Flees the Sinking Ship Known as SeaWorld

Ex–SeaWorld CEO Gustavo Antorcha called it quits after just seven months. Serge Rivera lasted less time than that. Will Interim CEO Marc Swanson do right by animals at long last?

Feds Pull Tiger Exhibitor’s License—That Leaves 9 More for PETA to Take Down

Doug Terranova risked public safety—under his watch, Leah the tiger escaped from a circus enclosure and Kamba the elephant was hit by a car.

BREAKING: Frightened Elephant Used for Rides in Sri Lanka Tries to Break Free

This incident is another powerful reminder that no elephant—or other animal—should ever be exploited for human entertainment or any other reason.

Michigan Man Pays $400,000 to Kill Harmless Rare Black Rhinoceros

Chris Peyerk of Dan’s Excavating, Inc., is apparently so desperate to show he can fire a gun that he paid $400,000 to kill one of 5,500 remaining black rhinos.

Fist-Bumping Chimpanzee Stolen From His Mother and Exploited by Clout Chasers

This video of a fist-bumping chimpanzee has made the rounds all over Twitter. PETA wants everyone to know this primate’s story.

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