New Studies Show Why Racetracks Should Go Whip-Free for Horses

Since research proves that horses are much more sensitive to whips than people may realize, passing rules prohibiting whips in races remains a top priority.

Dolphin Obituaries: What It’s Really Like to Live and Die at SeaWorld

At SeaWorld, Bossa, Lily, and Puka were used as breeding machines to create generations of dolphins confined to small concrete tanks for life. Now, all three are dead.

Progress for Horses! California Horse Racing Board Toughens Thyroid Drug Rules

PETA blew the lid off horse trainer Steve Asmussen’s misuse of thyroxine. Now, the California Horse Racing Board is taking action to curb abuse of the powerful prescription drug.

These Folks Learned the Hard Way: Big Cats Are Dangerous Predators

Never support any venue that allows tourists to interact with tigers, leopards, or other big cats. Here’s how ones that do put everyone involved at risk.

Monkey Exhibitor Involved in Jeffree Star, James Charles PR Stunts Gets Slapped With USDA Citation

Following a tip from PETA, officials cited a monkey exhibitor after a cruel PR stunt involving James Charles, Jeffree Star, and others.

Want to Celebrate April the Giraffe’s Legacy? PETA Says Stay Away From Roadside Zoos

The tragedy isn’t only that April the giraffe died—it’s that she never knew a life without gawping spectators or livestream cameras.

PETA Becomes a Shareholder in 4 Racetrack-Owning Companies

For four racetrack-owning companies, there’s a new shareholder in town: PETA. See how we’re going to help horses at racetracks across the U.S.!

WATCH: PETA Supporters Spill ‘Blood’ to Send Exxon an Important Message

ExxonMobil has continued to pump money into the deadly Iditarod dog race. Watch as one of its many gas stations across the nation is “closed for cruelty,” and learn how to help dogs today.

LEFT: © CCI Entertainment
The Red Lantern: A Deathless Dogsledding Video Game? Get Real

Makers of The Red Lantern call their video game “story-driven.” But by including a “Dogs Always Live” setting, they’re sugarcoating more than 150 real dogs’ tragic stories.

Animal Rights, Not Rides! PETA Campaign Saves Horses and Camels at Giza Pyramids

Your voice makes a difference! Electric cars and buses will replace the egregiously abused horses and camels forced to haul tourists at the Giza pyramids.

Fantastic News! Animal Rides to Be Banned at Giza Pyramids After PETA Campaign
WATCH: Bear Snaps at Handler Mid-Circus, Is Beaten With a Shovel

It’s not shocking that a bear would lash out after being beaten, and it’s appalling that animals are still being exploited and abused for entertainment in 2020.

From Racetracks to Refuge—This Thoroughbred’s Rescue Story Will Melt Your Heart

If local activists hadn’t alerted PETA that Pastel was at an auction, the 18-year-old Thoroughbred wouldn’t be enjoying new pastures and friends at her sanctuary home.

‘Doc’ Antle From ‘Tiger King’ Convicted on Four Wildlife Trafficking Counts

“Doc” Antle was just convicted of four felonies for wildlife trafficking: Now PETA will push for his park to be shut down.

WATCH: The Tide Is Turning on Orca Captivity

Riding the wave of France’s historic announcement that it’s banning orca captivity, PETA supporters are urging the European-owned Miami Seaquarium to retire Lolita to a seaside sanctuary, too!

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