Feed and Hardware Store Cancels Notoriously Cruel Elephant Exhibitor’s Visit

After the suffering elephant Nosey was scheduled to give rides at Pettigrew Feed & Hardware in Edinburg Township, Ohio, PETA sent a letter to the store’s president explaining that the animal’s notorious exhibitor, Hugo Liebel, has been cited for nearly 200 animal-welfare violations, most of which have been related to mistreatment. The president quickly canceled … Read more »

Northport Fire Department Bans All Animal Acts

After learning that the Banana Derby—a “monkey rodeo” that chains and tethers capuchin monkeys to dogs’ backs and races them around a track—was coming to the Northport Firemen’s Fair in Northport, New York, PETA and Long Island Orchestrating for Nature (LION) urged the village’s fire department to cancel the cruel act and took to the … Read more »

Victory! Neon Jungle Leaves Oklahoma City

After nearly 80,000 PETA members and supporters wrote to the management of an Oklahoma City mall where a storefront called Neon Jungle sold inherently cruel and dangerous “playtime” with tiger cubs and other juvenile exotic animals, the exhibitor moved out of the mall—and out of the city. PETA also submitted a complaint to the city … Read more »

Tractor Supply Company Bans Notoriously Cruel Elephant Exhibitor

After the suffering elephant Nosey was spotted outside two Tractor Supply Company stores in Ohio, PETA sent a letter to a company executive explaining that the animal’s notorious exhibitor, Hugo Liebel, has been cited for nearly 200 animal-welfare violations, most of which have been related to mistreatment. The company quickly banned him from using its … Read more »

Carson & Barnes Circus Canceled 2017 Summer Tour

Carson & Barnes Circus announced on Facebook that it would be canceling its tour for the remainder of the summer because of “unseen [sic] circumstances with additional financial burdens.”

State Farm Ends Sponsorship of the Deadly Iditarod

After five dogs died during just one week of the 2017 Iditarod—a cruel and abusive race that’s killed more than 150 dogs since it began—PETA urged State Farm to stop sponsoring it and called on our supporters to help. After hearing from more than 95,000 PETA supporters, the insurance company confirmed to PETA that its … Read more »

New York City Bans Wild Animals From Circuses!

For decades, PETA has led protests calling on New Yorkers to stay away from UniverSoul Circus, the now-defunct Ringling Bros. circus, and other traveling shows that use and abuse elephants, tigers, and other wild animals—and the New York City Council has now prohibited all traveling circuses from bringing wild animals into the city. Among the animals … Read more »

Taos LULAC Commits to Not Hosting Carson & Barnes

After learning from PETA that Carson & Barnes Circus has racked up more than 100 violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act, the members of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) chapter in Taos, New Mexico—which hosted the circus at LULAC Field in the spring of 2017—pledged not to host Carson & Barnes … Read more »

Hugo Liebel’s Permit Denied

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission denied Hugo Liebel’s application to renew his captive wildlife permit, which is required for him to possess Nosey the elephant in his home state. The agency denied the permit because Liebel falsely claimed that he didn’t have a tour schedule for Nosey. He’s appealing the denial, but if … Read more »

Garden Bros. Circus Barred From Using Animals in Minnesota Shows

In advance of performances by the notorious Garden Bros. Circus scheduled for Minneapolis and Little Falls, Minnesota, PETA contacted city authorities to inform them of the circus’s long history of public endangerment and animal abuse. In response, officials in both cities barred the circus from using animals in the scheduled shows.

Mobile Zoo Owner Pleads Guilty to 14 Counts of Cruelty to Animals

John Hightower, the owner of the now-defunct Mobile Zoo in Alabama, pleaded guilty to 14 counts of cruelty to animals. As part of his sentence, Hightower was subject to two years’ probation and $3,500 in restitution, and he can never own animals professionally again!

Hugo Liebel Permit Denied in Indian River County, Florida

Golden Ring Circus, which is usually animal-free, was allowing Hugo Liebel to give rides on Nosey the elephant outside its shows. Prior to one of these shows, scheduled in Florida in May 2017, PETA contacted county officials to advise them of Liebel’s extensive history of public-safety and animal-welfare violations. The county confirmed that it wouldn’t … Read more »

Summer Wind Farms Tigers Rescued

After releasing its eyewitness investigation of Summer Wind Farms, PETA alerted the USDA about the roadside zoo’s failure to provide two ailing tigers with veterinary care. Just one week after PETA’s complaint, both tigers were rescued and moved to the accredited Wildcat Sanctuary in Minnesota, where they’re now living in spacious naturalistic enclosures and receiving … Read more »

World Spree Travel Replaces Elephant Rides With Jeep Rides After Hearing From PETA

After learning from PETA that the only way to force elephants to give rides is through violence and domination, World Spree Travel agreed to replace the elephant rides it had been offering at Amber Fort in India with jeep rides. The company also committed to not offering elephant rides as part of itineraries on any … Read more »

Garden Bros. Circus Barred From Bringing Elephants Into Maine

In advance of planned performances by the notorious Garden Bros. Circus in Maine, PETA informed state authorities at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife of the circus’s long history of putting animals and the public at risk, and we asked them to stop the circus from bringing elephants into the state without first … Read more »

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