Another Horse-Drawn Carriage Accident in NYC

Earlier today on the streets of New York City, a taxi lost control and crashed into a horse-drawn carriage. The carriage driver was tossed out of the carriage, landed in the street, and was eventually taken to the hospital with the taxi driver. The horse bolted from the scene. Donny Moss, the director of Blinders, … Read more »

‘Glee’ Star Speaks Up for Horses

I’m predicting that Fox’s new musical comedy, Glee, will be this fall’s breakout hit (sorry, Ashlee). Certainly the show’s beautiful and brainy star Lea Michele, who has drawn rave reviews for her various Broadway performances, has hit a high note with us.     Lea joined Chrissie Hynde, Pink, Pamela Anderson, Alec Baldwin, Rue McClanahan, … Read more »

Bridle-Free Wedding Ceremony in Central Park

When it came time to plan their NYC wedding, Kelly Respess and Paul Kercheval knew that there was one thing that wasn’t going to be a part of their special day—a horse-drawn carriage ride. In fact, they decided to take the opportunity to educate other lovebirds about how unromantic it is to be hauled around … Read more »

Carriage Horses Taken for Midnight Ride

  Horses who pull heavy loads of tourists through noisy, polluted city streets are not retired to pastures where they graze their final days away. This anonymous contribution to assures us of that. To the anonymous poster, if your conscience bothers you, our investigators eagerly await more details. Written by Karin Bennett

How I Spent My Egyptian Vacation

When you work for PETA, it’s hard to ever really go on vacation. That’s because everywhere you go, you are bound to encounter people doing not-so-nice things to animals. Take my recent trip to Egypt. Skinny stray cats and dogs were hanging around outside all the hotels and restaurants, camels were living in squalor outside … Read more »

They Ignore Horses’ Suffering, Don’t They?

gothamist / CC The good folks at the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages (CBHDC) teamed up with PETA members to hold a protest outside New York City’s Central Park on Valentine’s Day. They witnessed several disturbing incidents that illustrate a culture of inaction by ASPCA officers charged with monitoring the carriage industry and enforcing regulations. … Read more »

Model Ts Set to Replace the Horse–Again!

yahoo / CC I had occasion to ride my bike into downtown Houston one evening last week. While it was great to see a lot of nightlife happening in this once-dead part of our fair city, there was one sight that wasn’t so welcome: carriages drawn by sad, exhausted horses. Frequent PETA Files visitors know … Read more »

Liam Neeson: Un-‘Stable’?

Liam Neeson’s appearance on The Daily Show last night has PETA wondering if one of his horses might have kicked him in the head. What else could explain his bizarre opinions about New York City’s carriage horses and what wonderful lives he thinks they have? “Have you been in these stables?” he asked. “I would … Read more »

Celebrities Pony It Up

Snow is great when you’re watching it through your window with a soy hot chocolate, but imagine being in harness, dragging a cart full of tourists through slush and ice all day, without even a blanket—despite temperatures in the teens—and with nothing but iron between you and the pavement. Doesn’t sound like such a happy … Read more »

Carriage Horses Trudging in Winter Storms

Last Friday, a New York City “carriage horse” slipped on the ice and fell into a split on 59th Street. Big surprise! Filmmaker Donny Moss asked the following to the ASPCA—which is charged with enforcing the anti-cruelty code and regulations on horse-drawn carriages: “Why did the ASPCA allow the carriage drivers to leave the stables … Read more »

Let’s Not Get Taken for a Ride

fund4horses / CC Every visit to New York City causes me to reflect upon the misery that befalls those poor old racetrack castoffs, Amish cart-pullers, and other worn-down horses who end up between the shafts of a heavy carriage, pulling loads of tourists—and some uncaring driver—through the dirty, noisy streets of New York City in … Read more »

Kristen Johnston Launches Sexy Ad on Taxi Tops

Yes, the Kristen Johnston, and yes, she is starkers on that plastic horse. Two-time Emmy Award–winning actor Kristen Johnston, whom you will remember as the hysterical Sally on Third Rock From the Sun, stripped down for PETA’s new ad targeting the cruelty of the horse-drawn carriage trade. In this gorgeous tribute to Lady Godiva—another fearless … Read more »

Pam Anderson Gets Rosy Over Proposed Horse-Drawn Carriage Ban

Pam wearing a ‘Ban Horse Drawn Carriages’ button The big A is in the Big Apple this week, and she’s spreading a little love and gratitude for one man in particular: NYC Councilmember Tony Avella. Yes, the wonder woman of animal protection (aka Pam Anderson)—who is in town promoting her new E! television show Girl … Read more »

Open Your Eyes for Blinders: Alec Baldwin Hosts Exclusive Premier

Photo Credit: Patricia Schlein Last night was another red-carpet moment for animals. Alec Baldwin hosted the premier screening of Blinders—the latest documentary to give viewers a critical inside look at the inner dealings of the horse-drawn carriage industry. Director Donny Moss exposed the archaic industry for what it is—a living hell for horses. Forced to … Read more »

New York City: A Horse’s Eye View

From the incomparable Dan Piraro. More on horse-drawn carriages in NYC.

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