Olivia Munn: Angel for Horses on Today Show

When Olivia Munn cohosted the Today Show with Hoda Kotb on St. Patrick’s Day, Hoda mentioned that her ex-husband proposed to her while they were riding in a horse-drawn carriage. Uh-oh.    There wasn’t enough green beer in the studio to make Olivia let that remark go unchallenged.  “Did you guys just watch an 80s chick flick and … Read more »

Olivia Munn’s Perfect Valentine’s Day

As one of the stars of the NBC comedy Perfect Couples, we thought that Olivia Munn would be the ideal person to ask for ideas on perfect and not-so-perfect ways for couples to spend the most romantic day of the year. “I would personally find it really romantic to grab a big pizza, a couple … Read more »

NYC’s Snowy Streets: No Cars, Just Horses

Why were horses still pulling carriages through dangerously icy and snowy New York City streets after Mayor Michael Bloomberg declared a weather emergency? The city was buried in more than a foot and a half of snow, prompting the mayor to plead with motorists to stay off the streets so that plows could get through, … Read more »

‘Glee’ Star Lea Michele’s Q&A With PETA

Glee actor and PETA supporter Lea Michele is once again showing that she’s got a heart to match her lovely voice by calling for an end to the “dangerous” and “scary” horse-drawn carriage industry in new video and print PSAs for PETA. Horses who are forced to pull carriages endure long workdays while exposed to … Read more »

Bill the Horses!

On April 14, the New York City Council passed a cunning little bill (Intro. 35) that gives horse-drawn carriage drivers a rate hike. As we pointed out at the time of passage, this bill does very little to improve these long-suffering horses’ living and working conditions. The City Council failed to incorporate most of the … Read more »

NYC ‘Lays Down’ the Law for Horses

http://www.flickr.com/photos/jillclardy/ / CC BY-SA 2.0 Well, it’s not the law of our dreams, but we’re happy to report that one part of a bill that has just been passed in New York City (and maybe just the one part) should improve living conditions for horses who are used to pull carriages. Under the new legislation, … Read more »

Carriage Crash Sends Couple to Hospital

A couple celebrating their wedding anniversary in New Bern, North Carolina, got stuck with the memory of a lifetime when the horse-drawn carriage in which they were riding was struck by a car, sending them and the carriage driver to the hospital. (Needless to say: open carriage, no seat belts, no air bags.) The horse, … Read more »

PETA’s Annual Round-Up: Tired Trends and Fresh Finds

Between the Trollsen twits and cruel reality show “celetestants”, I’m soooo ready to say, “Bye-bye, ’09. Hello, 2010.” We at PETA are feeling optimistic about the New Year. But before we ring it in, let’s have a look at 2009’s low points and our predictions for 2010’s animal-friendly hot topics and trends. In Out Werewolves … Read more »

Kevin Jonas’ Wedding Guests Dined Vegetarian

gossipcenter / CC   Word on the Internet has it that Kevin Jonas—the oldest of the Jonas Brothers—and Danielle Deleasa were married this weekend (that sound you hear is the collective weeping of the world’s 16-year-old girls), and the newlyweds treated their lucky guests to a vegetarian smorgasbord: According to the chef, there were “stir-fried … Read more »

It’s a Fact: Most Violent Offenders Victimize Animals, Then Humans

We know that the Boston Strangler did it. So did Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer. Like so many others, all these serial killers tortured animals before “graduating” to humans. That link has raised suspicions about an Oklahoma teen, Nikolas Kerr, who is accused of torturing and killing a 2-month-old kitten. A witness claims that she … Read more »

N.Y. Governor Wants to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages

3.bp.blogspot / CC   “These animals are kept in stables that are too small, often they’re cold, they work long hours and they don’t have time off. … There was a horse about three months ago that got his foot caught on a parking meter and had to be destroyed—it’s awful. You know, it looks … Read more »

Victory! Tel Aviv Bans Horse-Drawn Carriages

Tel Aviv has become the first city in Israel to prohibit horse-drawn carriages, thanks largely to years of tireless campaigning by Concern for Helping Animals in Israel (CHAI) and its sister organization, Hakol Chai. Their efforts included organizing international letter-writing campaigns, educational presentations in schools, a benefit concert, and a rousing demonstration outside City Hall. … Read more »

Jon Gosselin Should Say ‘Neigh’ to Horse-Drawn Carriages

Having been put out to pasture by the producers of Jon & Kate Plus 8, Jon Gosselin was recently spotted taking his new lady friend out for a ride in a horse-drawn carriage.   igossip / CC   Doggie abandonment (and his lady friend’s questionable vest) aside, we’re still willing to give Jon the benefit … Read more »

Victory for Chicago’s Horses!

For months, we had received calls from tourists, residents, and whistleblowers about six horses in Chicago who were under the “care” of carriage-ride operator JC Cutters. These horses were reportedly forced to endure Chicago’s freezing winter weather in a tent without adequate food or water. In February, we let you know that Chicago officials had … Read more »

Jon Stewart on Manhattan’s ‘Sad-Eyed Carriage Horse District’

On last night’s The Daily Show (basically the only show I watch, other than Glee) Jon Stewart slipped in a quip about Manhattan’s West Side—he called it the “sad-eyed carriage horse district.”   The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Cloudy With a Chance of Heat Balls www.thedailyshow.com “You’ll come … Read more »

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