Will Next NYC Mayor Finally Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages?

In a sign of the success of the animal rights movement, candidates running for mayor of New York City gathered for a forum on May 6 with an exclusive focus on how much they care about the nonhuman residents of the Big Apple. iStockPhoto.com/vikarus The forum was organized by NYCLASS (New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe … Read more »

Miley Cyrus Helps Push Horse-Drawn Carriage Petition Over 100,000 Signatures

It seems like Miley Cyrus’ actions for animals are never-ending. This week, she asked her fans to help get horses suffering in the horse-drawn carriage industry off New York’s streets, tweeting, “NYC is just 761 signatures shy of 100,000 petition goal to #FreeTheHorsesNYC! Sign @NYCLASS petition at StopHorseAbuse.com.” Miley’s fans’ signatures pushed the New Yorkers … Read more »

Win It! Take Pamela Anderson Home

Ever since her red swimsuit days, people have been enamored with PETA’s weapon of mass distraction, Pamela Anderson. And now you can have a little piece of the original “Lettuce Lady” for yourself. When Pam and PETA Vice President Dan Mathews spoke to Cambridge University about animal rights, she autographed copies of the Paul McCartney–narrated … Read more »

Celebrate International Women’s Day With the Strong, Powerful Women of PETA

Today is a day for women to celebrate the many victories in our fight for equality and to honor all the gals who made it happen.

Show Some Love—to Horses

How do horses show love? They nuzzle and groom each other. How do people show love to horses? By refusing to ride in a horse-drawn carriage. On most Valentine’s Days, record numbers of these sensitive, skittish animals are forced to drag carriages full of people across the hard pavement, dodging loud traffic and breathing exhaust … Read more »

What Lea Michele Is Doing for Valentine’s Day

As half of one of the world’s cutest on- and off-screen couples, we figured that Lea Michele would have some great ideas for how to spend Valentine’s Day. We were right. Lea doesn’t want expensive jewelry or a massive bouquet of flowers. Her idea of a lovely evening is laid-back and simple. “My idea of … Read more »

Horse Houdini Becomes Viral Sensation

Mariska is not the kind of horse who will let a little thing like a locked gate get in the way of her freedom. Her guardians captured a video of her using slight of tongue to free herself and her friends from their stalls. Visit The Telegraph to see the awesome video! Perhaps we could get Mariska … Read more »

Sharon Osbourne Calls Furry Lady Gaga a Bully and a Hypocrite

Lady Gaga, a one-time anti-fur advocate and supposed anti-bullying advocate, seems to flip-flop more than a new pair of Havaianas. Now Sharon Osbourne is calling the singer out on it, saying: [W]hen I saw you wear a dress made out of raw meat, I was sickened. When I see you wearing fur, and using it … Read more »

Alec Baldwin to Bash Horse-Drawn Carriages on ’30 Rock’

As ever-more people join PETA and New Yorkers for Clean, Livable & Safe Streets (NYCLASS) in calling for a ban on New York’s horse-drawn carriages, Alec Baldwin is taking advocacy for horses to primetime. © StarMaxInc.com In an upcoming episode of 30 Rock, people across the country will hear Alec’s character, Jack Donaghy, call horse-drawn … Read more »

Sandy Claims Life of NYC Horse Advocate

Our hearts have been saddened by the shocking news that Jessie Streich-Kest—who worked closely with PETA on campaigns to end the use of horse-drawn carriages in New York City—was killed along with a friend by a falling tree in Brooklyn’s Ditmas Park during Hurricane Sandy while walking her dog, Max, who is recovering from his … Read more »

Presidential Debate Vegs Out

Presidential debate moderator Candy Crowley likes getting into meaty issues—but not into meat. Maybe it was her vegetarian diet that gave her enough energy to keep the candidates in line? Newly vegan Kristen Bell doesn’t miss an opportunity to advocate for animals—and she doesn’t miss dairy products, either. “[H]onestly, there are so many good substitutes … Read more »

PETA President Tied Up, Beaten, and Abused

PETA is always saying that we wish people would put themselves in the place of animals. But if they won’t, we’ll do it for them. The founder of PETA entities worldwide, Ingrid E. Newkirk, let herself be hitched with a bit in her mouth to a horse-drawn carriage in order to help PETA India show … Read more »

Adrien Brody Wants Horses off NYC Streets

Update: After this latest tragic horse-drawn carriage accident, New York native Adrien Brody has thrown his support behind PETA’s campaign to get horses off New York City’s streets. The Academy Award–winning actor wrote to City Council Speaker Christine Quinn on PETA’s behalf urging her to adopt the proposed pilot program to replace the carriages with … Read more »

Animals Who Dream of Having the Day Off

While most of us are grilling veggie dogs in the park or sipping drinks by the pool this Labor Day, working animals won’t have it so easy.

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Martina Navratilova Slams NYC Horse-Carriage Trade

Did you catch this online video showing a New York City horse-drawn carriage driver who spewed homophobic and racist slurs at some people who were peacefully distributing literature about the cruel carriage industry during NYC’s Pride weekend? Well, PETA pal, tennis legend, and gay icon Martina Navratilova has sent the video footage to NYC City … Read more »

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