Frommer’s for a Poop-Free NYC

I hate to “out” myself as a listener of Mancow’s Morning Madhouse Show, but I actually caught him praising Frommer’s Travel Guides this morning as his preferred companion while globe-trotting. Funny he should mention that, ’cause we love the folks at Frommer’s too! In a very progressive move, Frommer’s Travel Guides is now advising readers … Read more »

What’ll It Be–the Puppy or a Knuckle Sandwich?

Save A Pet / CC Actually, these ominous-looking, hog-riding, crime-fighting softies call themselves Rescue Ink and are the latest recipient of PETA’s Compassionate Action Award.In New York City and surrounding areas, this burly clan responds to emergency calls day and night. And for no charge, they will show up at the doors of any would-be … Read more »

Broadway Star Speaks Out Against Carriage Horse Abuse

We’re going full steam ahead with our efforts to permanently ban horse-drawn carriage rides in New York, and the latest high profile New Yorker to sign on to the campaign is Lea Michele, the beautiful star of the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical, Spring Awakening. Here’s what she said about her decision to do this ad … Read more »

How About Horseless Carriages?

Some traditions, regardless of how much fun they may have seemed a hundred years ago, need to just go ahead and die. And any “tradition” that involves beating and abusing living beings needs to do so sooner rather than later. Of course that doesn’t always mean you have to stop doing something you were way … Read more »

Cruelty Investigator Attacked in New York

Two PETA carriage horse monitors—who had been watching Central Park carriage drivers to document any cruelty to horses—were recently attacked by a man who shoved them and struck one of them on the head as they videotaped the hack line on Central Park South. We’re still waiting to find out whether the individual involved in … Read more »

Carriage Horse Dies in New York City

There was yet another carriage-horse fatality in New York today. How many more horses have to die before New York realizes that this industry has no place in a civilized city? The following is PETA’s official statement on the incident. PETA has just learned that a horse used to pull carriages in New York City … Read more »

Chrissie Hynde Leads Carriage-Horse Protest

Chrissie Hynde got married while sitting in a horse-drawn carriage in Manhattan in the ’80s, but she’s changed her views on how ‘romantic’ carriage horse rides are since then. This afternoon, she led a PETA protest in Central Park to encourage tourists not to support the carriage-horse industry, which is notorious for abusing the animals … Read more »

Dear ASPCA: Please P Some CA in NYC. TY.

The ASPCA was founded in 1866 because of overworked horses in New York City. You have to figure that if the ASPCA’s founder, Henry Bergh, were alive today, he would have made damn sure that his group took some enforcement action last weekend, when New York was hit by a major storm that brought bitterly … Read more »

Demonstration Planned for Mepkin Abbey

Tomorrow afternoon, PETA members will be demonstrating against the horrific cruelty involved in factory-farm egg production at, of all places, a Trappist Monastery. The perpetrators in question are a group of supposedly peace-loving monks who run an operation at Mepkin Abbey in South Carolina that crams 20,000 chickens into tiny wire “battery cages” so small … Read more »

Um…Hi, is Mrs. Posen there?

Zac Posen is a New York fashion designer who still uses fur in his designs, which—pathetic as that is—wouldn’t be worth mentioning right now if it weren’t for the fact that, by a delightful twist of fate, PETA’s New York office has the same phone number that Zac’s mom used to have. Which leads to … Read more »

Carriage Horses Still Ending Up as Horse Meat

So, after years of hard work by animal protection advocates exposing the extreme cruelty involved in these operations, some of the last horse slaughterhouses in the U.S. were shut down. But the folks in the horse-racing and horse-carriage industries still need to do something with the thousands of horses who are rendered useless to them … Read more »

Help Carriage Horses in NYC

I’ve never understood the whole carriage horse attraction. Setting aside the animal rights thing for a second, I just don’t get how people could possibly construe riding around a loud busy city in a non-air-conditioned buggy while smelling horse crap the whole time as even the slightest bit romantic. I’ve always found it totally absurd. … Read more »

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