Victory! Arena Persuades Circus to Leave Animals Out of Its Show
Victory! Arena Persuades Circus to Leave Animals Out of Its Show

Today, no animals will be forced to perform for human entertainment at the Union Arena Community Center in Woodstock, Vermont.

Ryan KC Wong
Multiple Towns Reject Cruel Animal Acts—PETA Urges More to Follow Suit
Multiple Towns Reject Cruel Animal Acts—PETA Urges More to Follow Suit

Hampton University plans to host Garden Bros. Circus this weekend—find out why PETA is urging the venue to reject animal acts.

BØRNS Stands Up for Big Cats Still Abused in Circuses
BØRNS Stands Up for Big Cats Still Abused in Circuses

BØRNS is full of love and compassion, using his powerful voice to speak up for big cats in circuses.

Cross Creek Arena Threatens Circus Opponents
Cross Creek Arena Threatens Circus Opponents

PETA reached out to request an animal-free circus performance. And that was when the correspondence turned ugly.

What Is UniverSoul Trying to Hide?
What Is UniverSoul Trying to Hide?

PETA is calling for an investigation into why a county administrator forced animal services officers to stop filming an inspection of the notorious circus.

Newsday Asks for Pictures of Ringling, Is Flooded With Protest Photos
Newsday Asks for Pictures of Ringling, Is Flooded With Protest Photos

Newsday asked readers to submit photos of their “memories” of Ringling Bros. What the news site got was probably not what it had bargained for.

Photo by Cynthia King
PETA Exposés in Retrospect: How Public USDA Information Proved Invaluable
PETA Exposés in Retrospect: How Public USDA Information Proved Invaluable

PETA’s successful use of the USDA’s database to expose misconduct by animal facilities—and the agency itself—shows why the records should remain online.

End of a Cold Era: Advocates Gather at Ringling’s Final NYC Shows
End of a Cold Era: Advocates Gather at Ringling’s Final NYC Shows

We bid Ringling good riddance with our protest signs held high. But our fight is not yet over.

IG: @JiveAssTofurkey
PETA Thanks Union County Arena for Banning Garden Bros. Circus
PETA Thanks Union County Arena for Banning Garden Bros. Circus

After the downfall of Ringling Bros., animal-abusing circuses should take note: The public is fed up with cruelty-filled performances.

PETA Takes Action After Video Shows Distressed Bear in Circus
PETA Takes Action After Video Shows Distressed Bear in Circus

After a bear appeared to be distressed during a circus act, PETA has offered to rescue all the bears in the show and is calling for a federal investigation.

Breakthrough! Congress Demands USDA Restore Records After PETA Push
Breakthrough! Congress Demands USDA Restore Records After PETA Push

While the upcoming restoration of the inspection records is great news for animals, there’s still more work to be done. Learn how you can take action today.

Year of Liberation Continues as Romanian Capital Bans Wild-Animal Acts
Year of Liberation Continues as Romanian Capital Bans Wild-Animal Acts

We’re only a month into 2017, but this year has already delivered some devastating blows to circuses that exploit animals for profit.


The saddest show on earth for wild animals will end in May.

UPDATE: Judge Rules UniverSoul Circus Must Stand Trial
UPDATE: Judge Rules UniverSoul Circus Must Stand Trial

UniverSoul Circus is now headed to trial in a consumer fraud lawsuit concerning the treatment of elephants, tigers, and other animals used in its shows.

Should Jersey Let PETA Take Over the Circus Drive-In? Shore Thing
Should Jersey Let PETA Take Over the Circus Drive-In? Shore Thing

On weekends, the Jersey Shore can be a bit of a circus. It’s mostly in good fun, but PETA found one restaurant in need of an animal-friendly makeover.

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