Victory! Hadi Shrine Circus Will No Longer Exploit Elephants in Its Shows

Great news! Following a vigorous PETA campaign, a notorious circus will finally stop exploiting elephants in its acts.

Feds Punish Carson & Barnes for Elephant Escape After PETA Tip-Off

PETA urges everyone to help protect elephants by refusing to buy a ticket to any circus that forces them to perform.

Shocking Bodycam Video Footage Shows Terrified Zebra Caught in Circus Trailer Fire

A trailer hauling animals to the Mizpah Shrine Circus recently caught fire in Indiana, endangering lives and causing a hectic scene.

From Breaking Elephants’ Spirits to Breaking the Law—Will Carson & Barnes Circus FINALLY Be Held Accountable?

Carson & Barnes may think it’s above the law, but PETA’s keeping a close eye on the notoriously cruel circus. See what we said in a complaint to federal officials.

Hadi Shrine Circus Losing Sponsorships Left and Right

Victory! Another top sponsor has cut ties with the cruel Hadi Shrine Circus. The owner of the company said THIS in a letter to PETA.

Mayor Responds to Lion Escape From Circus Near Rome: ‘I Hope That This Will Stir Some Consciences’

A recent incident involving a circus near Rome has sparked concern from the public—and from a local mayor—about the dangers of cruel circuses.

Shriners Exposed: Reports of Animal Exploitation, Misogyny, and Cultural Appropriation

Shriners International is stuck in the dark ages, with programs and policies that promote animal abuse, are sexist, and have been accused of cultural appropriation.

VICTORY! After Relentless PETA Campaigning, UniverSoul Circus Is FINALLY Animal-Free!

How did PETA get a notoriously cruel circus to end its decades-long record of featuring live-animal acts? Keep reading to find out!

What Everyone’s Missing About Angela—the Standing Sun Bear at a Zoo in China

Heard about the viral video of a sun bear standing and “waving” in a Chinese zoo? Instead of focusing on whether she’s “fake,” PETA points to the real problem.

5 of the Top Animal Exploiters PETA Has Shut Down

Why isn’t PETA shut down? We wish we were—as it would mean that we had met our goal and that animals are no longer being exploited for human desires.

Is There a ‘Dark Side’ to PETA? Board Our Starship to Shine Light on a Rebel Force

If someone asks, “What’s the dark side of PETA?” we’ve got the answer. Let us shine a lightsaber on the truth of our efforts for animal rights.

Victory! Top Sponsors Pull Sponsorships of the Hadi Shrine Circus

Victory! Top sponsors have pulled their support of the Hadi Shrine Circus, which still uses elephants and other animals in its cruel acts.

VIDEO: Trainer Attacked While Forcing Tigers to Perform at Italian Circus

A video of a tiger attacking a trainer during a live circus show is yet another cautionary tale that no one should have needed.

Victory! Dukal Corporation Ends Sale of Bandages Depicting Animals in Circuses

As circuses with animals disappear so should the exploitative imagery. PETA praises Dukal Corporation for no longer using artwork of animals in circuses on its bandages.

22 Victories for Animals Exploited for Entertainment in 2022

PETA celebrated major wins for exploited animals in 2022, including a successful nationwide search for a chimpanzee and taking down a “Tiger King” villain in court.

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