Evil Colonel Sanders Makes His Movie Debut

In a recent conference call with investors, KFC outlined strategies for improving flagging U.S. sales, including projecting a “younger image.” Since we’re going to be matching these guys stride for stride until they agree to make some major changes in the way they treat chickens, that means we need to be hitting the same markets … Read more »

Post Your Confessions …

Fans of PostSecret will be familiar with the format here—members, employees, and friends of PETA have been uploading stories about their companion animals and things they wish they’d done differently in taking care of them. Given the opportunity, I think we’d all make a few changes if we had a chance to go back and … Read more »

Speed Racer Bombs

comicbookmovie / CC <IMG src="http://blog.peta.org/archives/speed%20racer1.jpg" Well, after a ton of hype, the Wachowski Brothers’ live action version of Speed Racer has turned out to be a really, incredibly expensive mistake. Just ask Perez.Although I’m certainly not above gloating about a major Hollywood flop for no other reason than the sheer pleasure of it, there’s actually … Read more »

PETA Ad in Variety Magazine Calls for Hollywood Whistleblowers

This ad, along with details on a hotline that whistleblowers who witness abuse on movie sets can call, appeared in Variety magazine this week A while back a whistleblower from the set of Speed Racer reported that one of the chimpanzees used to play Speed Racer’s sidekick, Chim Chim, was beaten during filming and bit … Read more »

Following Bear Attack, PETA Asks Will Ferrell Not to Act With Animals

In early February, after we were alerted to the fact that Will Ferrell’s latest movie, Semi-Pro, was to feature scenes in which Will (or, more likely, a stunt double) wrestled a live bear, PETA sent a letter to his agents letting them know about the very real cruelty that goes on behind the scenes any … Read more »

Jack Hanna’s Keynote Address to Animal Experimenters

LightTheNight / CC Professional wildlife pimp Jack Hanna is at it again, this time in the last place you’d expect to find someone who professes to care about the well-being of animals—giving the keynote address for animal-experimentation industry shills, the Pennsylvania Society for Biomedical Research. From their press release: Hanna will take the stage for … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

Ad Award Winners … and Losers

The annual Glitterbox Awards are PETA’s way of recognizing companies that advertise their products in a way that promotes kindness to animals, and this year’s big winners are General Motors and Georgia-Pacific’s Brawny paper towels for commercials which, respectively, raise awareness about vegetarian diets and protecting the environment, and depict a “man’s man” as someone … Read more »

PETA to President: Clean Out Your Closet

Last week, there were a lot of news reports mentioning the fact that President Bush had turned up for a dinner with Saudi King Abdullah wearing a full-length fur-lined robe. It’s probably for the best that there aren’t any available images of this little fashion disaster, but we did confirm that the President had received … Read more »

DirectBuy Goes Fur-Free!

In response to a request from PETA, DirectBuy, which had been selling fur coats, hats, and wraps, has agreed to remove all the fur from its catalogs. DirectBuy is the nation’s largest franchiser of members-only consumer buying centers with 149 showrooms across the U.S. and Canada (thank you, Wikipedia), so that’s a whole lot of … Read more »

Just Another Day at Burberry …
Lettuce Ladies Crash Ben Franklin’s Birthday

But everybody had a good time in the end. Ben Franklin himself—who once suggested that the turkey should be America’s national bird instead of the bald eagle—tried some of the delicious faux turkey sandwiches distributed by PETA’s lettuce ladies at his birthday bash in Philadelphia, and commented that he was the person who first brought … Read more »

Purdue University Kills Dogs

After receiving a frantic e-mail that was being circulated by a Purdue student who was desperate to find a home for one of the dogs used in her class, we dug up some extremely disturbing information about Purdue University’s Veterinary Technology Program. As part of this program, catheters are inserted into perfectly healthy dogs, who … Read more »

Tyson Caught Again … and Again

In 2005, PETA released footage from an undercover investigation into a slaughterhouse run by KFC Supplier Tyson Foods, which showed live chickens’ heads being ripped off, among other acts of unbelievable cruelty. Two new PETA investigations of the company, which have just been released today, reveal that Tyson has done nothing to prevent the torture … Read more »

KFC Sues Indie Moviemakers

According to the movie blog Horror Yearbook, a small group of independent moviemakers are getting strongarmed by KFC into abandoning their project. Classy stuff, KFC. Really classy. Check it out here. I guess it’ll probably never get made now, but I think the movie looks effing rad.

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