Victory: Gap and Levi’s Pledge Never to Use Apes in Ads

  cryptomundo / CC I hope your closets are prepared, because I’m sure this bit of news will have you rushing out to stock up on vegan sweaters and skinny jeans. Both Levi’s and Gap Inc. have pledged not to use great apes in future advertising campaigns! Following the tragic death of Travis, a chimpanzee … Read more »

Monkey Kills Cruel Owner With Coconut

thailand / CC No, you’re not experiencing déjà vu. This is the second blog in two days in which we’ve reported that primates have taken aim at humans—literally. In the latest instance, a monkey in Thailand—fed up with performing the thankless task of climbing coconut trees to retrieve fruit for his owner to sell—apparently launched … Read more »

Chimpanzee in Zoo Hurls Rocks at Gawkers

Santino telegraph / CC In case you needed any more evidence that chimpanzees don’t want to be locked up in zoos, a chimpanzee named Santino in a Swedish zoo has been collecting hundreds of stones to throw at zoo visitors. On many mornings, Santino calmly gathers rocks into a pile, waits until the zoo opens, … Read more »

Victory: Ad Agency ‘Fires’ Great Apes

citypages / CC The recent attack on a Connecticut woman by a chimpanzee named Travis served as stark reminder that great apes should never be kept as “pets” or used for entertainment. In the wake of this tragedy, we are happy to announce that Young & Rubicam (Y&R) (the fourth largest ad agency in America) … Read more »

More Bad News for Yale

After our recent demonstration in New Haven to let residents know that Yale is spending millions of taxpayer dollars torturing monkeys, the university wasn’t exactly ready to throw open its doors and give guided tours to people who wanted to find out more. Well, Yale’s secretive vivisectors may have been a bit surprised on their … Read more »

Anjelica Huston Talks About Travis

After hearing about the death of Travis, the captive chimpanzee who was shot after mauling a woman in Connecticut, Oscar winner Anjelica Huston—who has long been an advocate for the compassionate treatment of great apes—issued the following statement: I was saddened to hear about the incident involving the chimpanzee, Travis, and my heart goes out … Read more »

R.I.P. Travis

On Monday, a 15-year-old chimpanzee named Travis, who was kept as a “pet” by a woman in Connecticut, went on a rampage and mauled a visitor. Travis was stabbed multiple times, “pounded” with a shovel, and eventually shot to death. A former “star” of Coca-Cola and Old Navy commercials and an episode of the Maury … Read more »

Announcing PETA’s 2008 Litterbox and Glitterbox Winners

As anyone who’s seen our Super Bowl commercial can attest, we know a good ad when we see one. We can also spot a bad advertisement, and when we do, we’re not shy about sharing our feelings. Every time we see that a company has incorporated a negative—or positive—message about animals into an ad, we … Read more »

The Best–and Worst–Super Bowl Commercials

Obviously, Veggie Love would have been the best Super Bowl commercial of all time. But because NBC rejected PETA’s ad, we had to leave it off our list of the most appealing and most appalling commercials that aired during this year’s game: The Best: Bridgestone: In Bridgestone’s Super Bowl entry, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head … Read more »

Fan of Jungle Love?

Stephen Sommersflixster / CC Hold on to your loincloths, boys and girls—another adaptation of Tarzan (yes … in addition to the 88 that already exist) will be swinging into theaters in 2010! Critics say co-writer and director Stephen Sommers will be focusing on jungle love, but this classic story is sure to have scenes of … Read more »

Nickelodeon Gets a Lump of Coal

Ugh …No, seriously. Ugh!OK, having turned *mumble* years old last Friday, I’m not really a member of this show’s “target demographic.” But even ‘tweens must find the heartless use of a live baby chimpanzee in Nickelodeon’s Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh offensive.Forget for a moment that this is a program with so little imagination that … Read more »

Ad Council (Hearts) Great Apes

wikimedia / CC After learning from PETA just how hideous life can be for great apes who are kept captive and forced to perform in advertisements, thanks go to Ad Council president and CEO Peggy Conlon for signing our “Great Ape Humane Pledge,” committing never to use great apes in ads! This means the Ad … Read more »

Chimp, Chimp Hooray–SEGA Pulls Ape Ad!

kotaku / CC We’re officially bananas about SEGA. In fact, we’re sending them a thank-you card and little vegan chocolates in the shape of monkeys (closest we could get to apes) as I write this. Why is this gaming giant scoring such a sweet treat? After learning that SEGA used a real chimpanzee in an … Read more »

Rest in Peace, Dorothy

Having managed to survive the horrors of an estimated 25 to 40 years of captivity and exploitation as part of a daily amusement-park parade, Dorothy the chimpanzee died peacefully of old age at In Defense of Animals (IDA) Africa‘s Sanaga-Yong Center in Cameroon last month. Following the first armed confiscation of primates in Cameroon, Dorothy … Read more »

No More Monkey Business for Anjelica Huston

Anjelica told us how she grew so passionate about this issue, and why the abuse of great apes will never happen on her set.

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