How Does PETA End Animal Tests? Just Read Our 2019 Recap to Find Out

We’re starting 2020 with hope, because last year, we saved millions of living individuals who were being tormented and ultimately killed in laboratories.

© Pazhiltseva
Progress for Rabbits and Horseshoe Crabs Used in Painful Fever Test

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration still requires companies to use painful pyrogen tests. But thanks to a new report, things could change.

Avon Products, Inc., Earns ‘Working for Regulatory Change’ Listing From PETA

Avon Products, Inc., is making even more progress for animals in laboratories!

We See a Compassionate Future for These PETA Int’l Science Consortium Awardees

The skills that these winners develop by attending a prestigious workshop on non-animal methods will help them pioneer the use of these tests in their fields.

PETA Praises School That Once Sewed Monkey’s Eyes Shut for Using Stem Cells

PETA exposed how UC-Riverside experimenters sewed a monkey’s eyes shut. Now, the school is helping to develop groundbreaking non-animal tests.

BREAKTHROUGH: Feds Agree With PETA, Government Must Come Clean on Animal Tests!

After working with PETA scientists, the U.S. government wants federal agencies held accountable for using non-animal test methods!

© Ash
Victory! PETA and EPA Scientists Save Hundreds of Birds

PETA and EPA scientists have swooped in to prevent hundreds of birds from being poisoned each year in deadly pesticide tests.

How an End to the EPA’s Animal Tests Started With a PETA Rabbit

A historic win! EPA sees the light at the end of the toxicity testing tunnel after decades of PETA work.

EPA’s Historic Decision Will Prevent Countless Animals From Being Poisoned in Cruel Chemical Tests

We did it! Five big initiatives from PETA scientists have helped bring about a new era for animals in laboratories.

© Pazhiltseva
Victory! California’s ‘Lab-Gag’ Bill Is Gone

PETA members win again! After receiving your e-mails, calls, and tweets, the California Assembly member who introduced the dangerous “lab-gag” bill has pulled it.

China Greenlights New Non-Animal Cosmetics Tests After PETA Push

The new tests will spare countless animals the agony of having substances dripped into their eyes and rubbed onto their skin.

PETA Scientists Promote Animal-Free Toxicity Testing Through Awards

PETA will end toxicology tests on animals by any means necessary—that includes empowering the next generation of bright, compassionate scientists.

PETA International Science Consortium to Attend World’s Biggest Toxicology Conference

Consortium scientists make their way to the world’s largest gathering of toxicology experts to promote non-animal tests.

Historic! Pharmaceutical Company Refuses Dog Test, Sues FDA Instead

In a groundbreaking and historic stand for animals, drug company Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. has refused to conduct a test on dogs.

PETA Blasts National Institutes of Health in Its Own Backyard

The suffering that NIH funds in laboratories across the country would give most people nightmares. We think that its neighbors should know this.

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