EPA Continues to Prioritize Scientifically Sound Non-Animal Tests

PETA scientists will continue working with the EPA and other agencies, academics, industries, and nonprofits to advance the best non-animal science.

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Newly Approved Approach to Skin Allergy Testing Embraces Non-Animal Methods

A newly approved method can replace skin allergy tests using animals—experiments in which their fur is shaved and a chemical is applied to their exposed skin.

© iStock.com/DanilovaLiliialilechik
Eye on the Future: Early-Career Scientist Given Award by PETA Science Group for Cornea Work

PETA science group honors Peter Pôbiš for his presentation of a 3-D model of the human cornea—one that determines how chemicals might irritate the eye without using animals.

Breath of Fresh Air: PETA Science Group Awards Lung Researchers Promoting Non-Animal Tests

Worried about animals suffering in labs? You can breathe easier, because these scientists are investing in animal-free lung research.

Out of the Lab, Into the Light: PETA’s ‘Without Consent’ Honors Vivisection Victims

It’s moving viewers to tears—and action. Experience PETA’s bold new exhibit and see nearly 200 stories about animals used in experiments.

Right Now: PETA Scientists Virtually Attend World’s Largest Toxicology Conference

PETA scientists will be virtually presenting at the largest toxicology conference in the world—the 60th SOT Annual Meeting. Here’s how animals will benefit.

PETA Scientists to Biden Administration: Back Non-Animal Testing From Day 1

By embracing non-animal test methods, the Biden administration can spare millions of lives—and PETA scientists stand ready to help. Learn more.

20 Times PETA Smashed Experiments and Saved Animals in 2020

2020 may have blown chunks, but PETA gutted animal testing like never before! Relive 20 of our favorite victories from this year that saved millions of animals.

© iStock.com/olgagorovenko
1 Year Later, How Have PETA Scientists Helped the EPA End Tests on Mammals?

One year ago today, the EPA committed to ending toxicity experiments on mammals. How much has changed since then?

© iStock.com/GlobalP
Huge PETA Win! Taiwan Drops Drowning, Electric Shock Tests on Animals

In a groundbreaking decision, PETA pushed the Taiwan FDA to drop drowning and electric shock tests on animals in its draft regulation for marketing anti-fatigue health food claims.

© iStock.com/olgagorovenko
COVID-19 Proves We Can’t Waste Time on Animal Tests—Help PETA End Them

We need a COVID-19 vaccine, and we can’t waste time on ineffective animal testing. Lucky for us and the whole world, the U.S. government agrees.

© iStock.com/Svetlana Pazhiltseva
You Paid for It: Mice Baked to Death, Zebrafish Killed With Salt

Federal documents reveal chronic violations of minimum animal welfare standards at the taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health.

PETA Scientists Bring Advanced, Animal-Free Testing Methods to the Web

PETA scientists know that education and training are some of the best ways to get animals out of laboratories.

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Victory! Sabra Hummus Parent Company Bans Animal Tests After Talks With PETA

Sabra hummus lovers, rejoice: Your purchases will no longer contribute to tests in which experimenters starve, poison, and kill animals.

Big Victory! Pharma Giant Bristol-Myers Squibb Bans Near-Drowning Test

Under PETA pressure, Bristol-Myers Squibb has confirmed that it has banned making small animals swim for their lives.

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