Read All About It! How PETA Scientists’ Published Papers Promote Animal-Free Testing

PETA scientists have published dozens of papers in peer-reviewed journals, addressing topics affecting animals used in regulatory testing.

PETA Scientists Show How to Improve Research Without Using Fetal Bovine Serum

Every year, an estimated 1.8 million unborn calves are killed to produce fetal bovine serum for use in laboratories. PETA scientists have a better plan.

Victory: Department of Transportation Ends Animal Testing Requirement!

This week, with encouragement from PETA, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) expanded its acceptance of animal-free testing.

VIDEO: What’s the Best Book About Animals Rescued From Laboratories?

Don’t miss this moving video! PETA President Ingrid Newkirk shares daring rescue stories from the 30th anniversary edition of “Free the Animals.”

PETA Scientists Use Webinars to Help End Tests on Animals—Here’s How

Here’s how PETA scientists use webinars to promote the use of modern, non-animal test methods and reduce the reliance on experiments on animals.

Covance Cruelty—Here’s How PETA Has Squared Up to the Shady Supplier and Lab-for-Hire

Longtime PETA target Covance has been slapped with a court order. Here are 11 times PETA squared up to the supplier and laboratory-for-hire.

PETA Science Group Presents Awards to Promote Non-Animal Tests

PETA scientists regularly award promising researchers with the tools they need to replace animal tests with modern, kinder methods.

VIDEO: PETA Catches Eli Lilly CEO Lying About Forced Swim Tests

Eli Lilly’s CEO was caught on camera spouting lies about why his company refuses to ban the cruel forced swim test. PETA is setting the record straight.

PETA Scientists to Give, Receive Prestigious Awards at 2022 Society of Toxicology Meeting

PETA scientists will attend the 2022 Society of Toxicology (SOT) meeting in San Diego. At the conference, PETA scientists will both give and receive prestigious awards.

Bad Science and Bad Welfare: Experimenters Keep Mice Perpetually Cold

Mice and rats in laboratories suffer from “cold stress”, altering the results of experiments in an epidemic of bad science. Tell Congress to act now to protect mice and rats.

© Doctors Against Animal Experiments
Win! Asian Food Giant ‘Grape King Bio’ Bans Animal Tests, Thanks to PETA

Following talks with PETA, Grape King Bio, a major Taiwanese health food company, has banned animal tests. Find out how to encourage other companies to do the same.

Mice and Rat Stress Shown to Compromise Experiment Results, New Study Suggests

A recent study confirms what PETA’s been saying all along: experiments on mice and rats are cruel and unreliable.

North Carolina Central University Student Wins Award From PETA Science Group

PETA Science Consortium International has named London Harper the winner of its Student Award for Travel and Mentorship in Non-Animal Toxicology—here’s why.

PETA Scientist Dr. Amy Clippinger Wins Prestigious Society of Toxicology Award

Dr. Amy Clippinger guides a team of scientists from PETA entities around the world who are advancing non-animal toxicology testing approaches.

21 Major Victories That PETA Achieved for Animals in Labs in 2021

PETA worked hard this year to help animals who are used in cruel experiments. Here’s what we accomplished in 2021!

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