Bad Science and Bad Welfare: Experimenters Keep Mice Perpetually Cold

Mice and rats in laboratories suffer from “cold stress”, altering the results of experiments in an epidemic of bad science. Tell Congress to act now to protect mice and rats.

© Doctors Against Animal Experiments
Win! Asian Food Giant ‘Grape King Bio’ Bans Animal Tests, Thanks to PETA

Following talks with PETA, Grape King Bio, a major Taiwanese health food company, has banned animal tests. Find out how to encourage other companies to do the same.

Trailblazing Congressional Letter Urges NIH to Phase Out Experiments on Animals

In a trailblazing letter, members of Congress urged the National Institutes of Health to phase out useless experiments on animals.

Mice and Rat Stress Shown to Compromise Experiment Results, New Study Suggests

A recent study confirms what PETA’s been saying all along: experiments on mice and rats are cruel and unreliable.

21 Major Victories That PETA Achieved for Animals in Labs in 2021

PETA worked hard this year to help animals who are used in cruel experiments. Here’s what we accomplished in 2021!

Asia’s Largest Food Co., Coca-Cola Bottler, and Others Drop Animal Tests

We’re now closer to a day when no animal is maimed, force-fed, or killed in attempts to make bogus human health claims for marketing food and drinks.

Ford Spins out of Control as Deadly Crash Tests on Pigs Exposed by PETA

PETA has proof that Ford paid for cruel and useless crash tests on animals—a practice that the company had pledged to ban more than a decade ago.

North America’s Top Chocolate Ingredient Supplier Bans Animal Tests After PETA Push

Learn more about PETA’s vital role as leader of the effort to end crude and lethal tests on animals in the global food and beverage industry.

Victory! The European Parliament Votes YES to a Future Without Animal Experiments

History in the making: The European Parliament supports PETA’s call to end experiments on animals!

Cosmetics Tests on Animals Sneak Back Into the European Union

No matter the law, companies always have the option to choose different ingredients or even decide not to develop products if it means sparing animals’ lives.

Major Supplier to Taiwan’s 7-Eleven Stores Bans Animal Tests After PETA Push

After talks with PETA, Lian Hwa Foods Corp.—a popular snack food company based in Taiwan—banned animal tests not explicitly required by law.

Taiwan’s Third-Largest Health Food Company Bans Animal Tests After PETA Push

After talks with PETA, Vitalon Foods Group—maker of Taiwan’s best-selling brand of sports drink—banned animal tests not explicitly required by law.

There’s Nothing ‘Standard’ About PETA’s Latest Historic Victory for Animals in Taiwan

Victory for animals! Standard Foods Group, PepsiCo’s Quaker Oats Partner in Taiwan, has issued a historic ban on animal testing after hearing from PETA.

Count Your Days, Draize—Paper by PETA Scientists Challenges Status Quo

Chemicals are still being applied to live rabbits’ eyes in cruel pesticide experiments, but PETA scientists are challenging the status quo.

Out of the Lab, Into the Light: PETA’s ‘Without Consent’ Honors Vivisection Victims

It’s moving viewers to tears—and action. Experience PETA’s bold new exhibit and see nearly 200 stories about animals used in experiments.

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