Celebrate the Mango: A Perfect Fruit That No One Needs to Die For

Everyone knows mangoes are nutritious. So why is the National Mango Board paying labs to mutilate animals in order to sell more of the fruit? This National Mango Day, tell it to stop this.

PETA’s Big Impact! Inside the Campaign to End Car-Crash Tests on Animals

PETA has driven home the message to companies and consumers alike: Animal-free crash tests are the path to a safer future.

Did Animal Testing Malign MSG? Ajinomoto Says Yes but Continues Tests Anyway

MSG maker Ajinomoto has deployed dietitians to debunk the animal testing that gave its star product a bad name but refuses to stop its current deadly animal tests.

5 of the Top Animal Exploiters PETA Has Shut Down

Why isn’t PETA shut down? We wish we were—as it would mean that we had met our goal and that animals are no longer being exploited for human desires.

Is There a ‘Dark Side’ to PETA? Board Our Starship to Shine Light on a Rebel Force

If someone asks, “What’s the dark side of PETA?” we’ve got the answer. Let us shine a lightsaber on the truth of our efforts for animal rights.

PETA Shut Down 6 Real Experiments Worse Than Those in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’

PETA helped end real-life experiments on animals that were far worse than anything in “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3”—here’s how.

Left: Marvel Studios
Learn How Rabbits Are Exploited in Laboratories, on Angora Wool Farms, and Elsewhere This Easter Sunday

These shocking facts about rabbits might inspire you to take action for bunnies this Easter.

22 Major Victories That PETA Achieved for Animals in Labs in 2022

In 2022 alone, PETA’s advocacy led to the rescue of more than 4,000 dogs bred for use in experiments. Learn more about our full-time work for animals in labs.

Animal Companions
PETA Demands U.S. Army Ban ‘Classified’ Weapon-Wounding Tests on Dogs, Others

What are dogs, cats, and other animals enduring in the U.S. Army’s “classified” weapon-wounding tests? We’re pushing for answers and calling for a ban.

Win! Microbio Co. Ends Animal Tests on Health Foods After PETA Plea

Microbio Co., a Taiwanese health food producer, has banned experiments on animals following talks with PETA. Find out how to encourage others to follow suit.

© iStock.com/vadimrysev
Eli Lilly Removes Forced Swim Test Failure From Prozac Info Materials

In an apparent attempt to avoid defending the use of the cruel forced swim test, Eli Lilly has altered informational materials on its best seller, Prozac.

VIDEO: What’s the Best Book About Animals Rescued From Laboratories?

Don’t miss this moving video! PETA President Ingrid Newkirk shares daring rescue stories from the 30th anniversary edition of “Free the Animals.”

Covance Cruelty—Here’s How PETA Has Squared Up to the Shady Supplier and Lab-for-Hire

Longtime PETA target Covance has been slapped with a court order. Here are 11 times PETA squared up to the supplier and laboratory-for-hire.

Win! Nestlé Partner AGV Products Ends Animal Tests, Thanks to PETA

In some excellent progress for animals, AGV Products Corp., a major Taiwanese company licensed by Nestlé, has ended animal tests following conversations with PETA.

© iStock.com/gyro
Victory! Kikkoman Stops Funding UW-Madison’s Cruel Tests on Animals

After a plea from PETA, the world’s top soy sauce maker will stop funding tests on animals conducted by the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Urge others to follow!

© iStock.com/vadimrysev
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