Tell Taiwan to Stop Allowing Cruel Animal Tests

Have your voice heard, as the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration opens public comments on a proposed regulation allowing cruel animal experiments for food products.

Maggie Q: © Getty Images for PETA
Volga-Dnepr Airlines: Monkeys Aren’t Cargo! Tell the Truth About Your Plans!

Insiders tell us that this Russian airline is transporting monkeys destined for experiments in U.S. laboratories. And the company isn’t talking.

PETA Undercover at the Cleveland Clinic: Skulls Cut Open, Prolapsed Organs

A PETA investigator at the Cleveland Clinic found mice paralyzed, mutilated in Frankensteinian surgeries, and left to die in agony—all on the taxpayers’ dime. Take action today!

Students Tell UC-Davis to Stop Torturing Primates—Join Us!

Approximately 4,500 primates are confined and suffering on UC-Davis’ campus, and students have had enough. Tell the school to stop experimenting on animals.

Labs Kill Animals Deemed Not ‘Essential’ in Response to COVID-19

PETA is urging universities to account for which animals they deemed noncritical and killed as labs institute their COVID-19 response—and to rethink animal tests entirely.

PETA Releases Photos of Monkeys Suffering in Johns Hopkins Labs
Monkeys Get COVID-19, Too: Demand Answers on Primates Now!

PETA demands immediate, decisive information about the possible spread of COVID-19 among monkeys imprisoned at the Washington National Primate Research Center.

Barkers, Not Beakers: Demand Texas A&M Release Dogs Tormented in Labs

Cannoli, a young, healthy golden retriever born in the muscular dystrophy lab, has been transferred to another lab—even though Texas A&M had him listed for adoption.

Adoptable Dog Transferred for Torment to Another Texas A&M Lab

Cannoli, a young, healthy golden retriever born in the muscular dystrophy lab, has been transferred to another lab—even though Texas A&M had him listed for adoption.

Keep Fetal Pigs, Sheep Brains, and Cow Eyes out of Classrooms

Tell Project Lead The Way to lead the way for students by ditching dissection and making a full transition to superior, humane, non-animal teaching methods.

These Quarantine-Ready PETA Actions Let You Help Animals From Home

Some big-name brands with massive online sales are using the COVID-19 pandemic to profit from animal suffering. Awful! Take action to help animals now.

Victory! No Animals to Be Killed in Cobra Gold 2023 Military Drill

An embarrassing video shows Marines in a frat-party–like frenzy of snake-blood guzzling during survival training. Girl Scouts could teach them to survive better and safer.

Barnes & Noble College: Stop Selling Dead Cats and Pigs

Urge Barnes & Noble College to stop selling dead animals and body parts!

10 Years Behind Bars: Free the Dogs in TAMU’s Muscular Dystrophy Lab

Ganondorf, a dog bred to have canine muscular dystrophy, died as he had lived: in pain and in prison. TAMU must now release the other dogs who’ve been suffering for a decade.

German ‘Hide-and-Seek’ Study Hides Grisly Lives of Rats in Labs

Please take action today and demand that Humboldt University cease these deadly experiments.

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