Join PETA in Making Dissection Digital This ‘Cut Out Dissection’ Month

Cutting-edge, not cutting bodies. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or student, you can help replace animal dissection with safe, modern methods.

PETA Calls Out Virginia Tech for Buying Beagles From Filthy Facility

Tell Virginia Tech to stop exploiting dogs in its laboratories and trainings, beginning with a reevaluation of its relationship with supplier Envigo.

© American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Urge Denmark to Stop Blasting, Shooting, Maiming Pigs in Trauma Drills

Please TAKE ACTION to help put an end to these barbaric trauma training drills on animals.

Workers Pry Baby Monkeys Away From Mothers, Electroshock Monkey Penises in Depraved Lab

PETA went undercover for 6 months at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC) and found monkeys with chronic diarrhea, severely injured, covered with tattoo ink, and more.

Animals Beheaded for Blueberries? USDA Farmer ‘Tax’ Funds Cruel Tests

Please take action and help PETA keep up the pressure on the USDA to prohibit gouging farmers with fees that fund animal testing that’s inhumane and junk science.

Urge Texas A&M Board to Release 21 Dogs Serving Life Sentences in Lab

The dogs in TAMU’s lab have endured a lifetime of suffering and isolation inside barren cages. They deserve to live their remaining years knowing kindness and love.

Possible Corruption, Monkey Escapes: Time for Primate Center Closure

Join thousands of PETA supporters calling for the immediate closure of the WaNPRC and the release of the monkeys to appropriate sanctuaries.

Whistleblower: University of Alabama Lab Staff Used ‘Woolite’ on Baboon’s Surgical Wound

Pig starved, baboons denied veterinary care, animals dying at University of Alabama–Birmingham, says whistleblower.

She Got $5.2 Million to Bully Baby Monkeys—and You Paid for It

See the video PETA sued to get! Tax-funded Oregon National Primate Research Center was forced to release footage of monkey experiments.

TELL CONGRESS: No More Money for Elisabeth Murray’s Monkey Terror Lab

Please join thousands of PETA supporters in calling on your members of Congress to urge NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli to put an end to Murray’s experiments.

‘No Justification’: PETA Veterinarian Condemns Monkey Fright Tests

PETA veterinarian Dr. Ingrid Taylor writes that monkeys in the National Institutes of Health’s terror tests experience “unrelenting isolation, psychological torment, and physical pain.” Read her full remarks.

PETA-Backed Students Across the Country Tell NIH to Empty the Cages

Support the youth-led revolt against speciesism with Students Opposing Speciesism, and share the stories of 23 of the National Institutes of Health’s monkey victims who were terrorized in laboratories.

VIDEO: It Will Break Your Heart to Learn Who’s Inside These Cargo Boxes

We’ve heard disturbing reports that Conquest Air Cargo has transported monkeys for use in laboratories in the U.S. and may be planning to do it again.

ACA International: Protect Monkeys From Laboratories!

Newly released government documents show that this airline charter broker is helping to send monkeys to U.S. laboratories for cruel experiments. Please take action!

PETA Pressure Gets German State Regulator to Review Pig Trauma Drills

Demand that the German military stop maiming live pigs in battlefield surgery drills and join armed forces worldwide using human-patient simulators that have proved more effective.

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