Food Companies Kill Animals in Taiwanese Labs for Health Marketing Claims

Take action today and tell the major remaining health food companies in Taiwan to stop experimenting on and killing animals for marketing food and beverage products.

HUGE PETA VICTORY: NIH Yanks Funding for Racist Experiment on Mice

Experimenters at the University of Illinois were exposing mice to “episodic aggression” to mimic systemic violence experienced by urban African Americans. Not anymore.

© Ash
This Is the Future of Frog Dissection

This new state-of-the-art technology will help spare millions of frogs worldwide, improve student learning, and eliminate exposure to toxic chemicals!

A Decade of Despair: Urge UW-Madison to Send Cornelius to a Sanctuary

Traumatized and depressed, Cornelius has spent a decade locked in a laboratory cage at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center—and one more day there is too long.

PETA Calls Out Monkey Experimenters’ Lies: Close Down Monkey Prisons!

Monkey tormentors are whining that they need more animals to torture in labs because of the pandemic. This study eviscerates that claim by showing that monkeys are bad models for COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.

Chinchillas With Eyes Oozing Pus, Exposed Bones Suffer at Breeding Mill

Based on PETA’s evidence, law-enforcement officials searched this chinchilla mill and opened a criminal investigation. See what we found.

Huge PETA Win! Taiwan Ends Drowning, Electroshock Tests on Animals

We pushed, you sent in comments, and the Taiwan FDA agreed. Its monumental final decision means that animals will no longer be drowned or electroshocked to make anti-fatigue claims. (note we’re at max characters here)

More Than 111 Million Mice and Rats Used Each Year in U.S. Labs

These animals feel pain and suffer, but when used in labs, they are—shamefully and unscientifically—excluded from the definition of the word “animal” in the federal Animal Welfare Act.

PETA Takes Aim at the National Primate Research Centers

Since the 1960s, the National Primate Research Centers have been breeding grounds for immeasurable pain and suffering. Help PETA shut them down.

PETA to NIH: Animals Are Sentient—Stop Testing on Them

A new PETA report points out that more than 2,500 studies show that other animals feel pain, fear, joy, and love. Experiments on animals must end now.

PETA Exclusive: Exposing the Pain Profiteers That Sell Animals to Labs

PETA releases never-before-seen photos and video footage documenting the deplorable conditions at companies that sell animals into the experimentation industry.

PETA Rapid Action: Let’s End ALL Experiments on Animals

Animals are not ours to experiment on! Learn more about modern, animal-free research methods and find ways to take action for animals right now.

Want to Help Animals Trapped in Lab Cages? Try These PETA Action Alerts

PETA is pushing the scientific community to switch to modern, animal-free research methods. You can take action to help animals still being used in experiments.

Stop Biosphere Trading From Abducting Monkeys From Their Families!

Biosphere Trading, a notorious monkey breeder and laboratory supplier, is seeking to expand its cruel reach into the forests of Mauritius to capture monkeys and imprison them.

© Ross
Postcard Power: Urge These Experimenters to Stop Tormenting Animals

They’ve frightened brain-damaged monkeys, cut into owls’ skulls, nearly drowned mice, and more. Send them a postcard to speak out against this suffering.

Rat: © NZAVS
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