Victory! PETA Persuades Medical School to Stop Mutilating Animals

The hospital’s medevac staff had attended training sessions at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in which live pigs were mutilated. Now let’s get the school to end this cruelty.

Victory! Notorious Primate Lab Drops Quest for San Antonio Bond Funding

Texas Biomed’s Southwest National Primate Research Center tried to grab $11 million from taxpayers to breed and harm more monkeys—but PETA supporters there said NO WAY.

PETA to NIH: Killing Monkeys in HIV/AIDS Experiments Must Stop

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has spent 36 years infecting and killing monkeys to develop an effective HIV vaccine. It has failed.

NIH Props Up This Animal Misery Industry With Billions in Tax Money

They capture, breed, and sell sensitive monkeys to laboratories for experimentation—and your government keeps them in business. These are the Terrible 10.

Money: ©
PETA Win! Taiwan FDA Ends Cruel Blood Pressure Tests on Animals

Thanks to your comments and our scientific critique, animals will no longer endure crude tests for companies to make dubious blood pressure claims for marketing foods in Taiwan.

50 Years and No Cure—PETA Explains How to Win the ‘War on Cancer’

The “war on cancer” has raged for 50 years without a cure. It’s time to enact a research strategy that embraces cutting-edge, non-animal methods that are more effective.

© Klapczynski
BREAKING: You Saw NIH Fund Beagle Tests—See PETA Video of a Puppy Factory Farm Selling to Labs for 50 Years

Video: Thousands of beagle dogs and puppies are confined to barren kennels and cages 24/7 at a factory farm that sells them for experimentation. Help them today!

Urge Biden to Appoint New NIH Director That’s Pro-Modern Science, Anti-Animal Testing

As the Biden administration mulls a new director of the National Institutes of Health, let the president know that animal experimentation must end!

Dove and The Body Shop Join PETA to Keep Cosmetics Cruelty-Free in the EU—Help Us!

The European Union’s longstanding ban on cosmetics tests on animals is under threat. Millions of animals need you to help PETA’s affiliates get 1 million signatures from European citizens.

PETA to Wamos Air: Don’t Ship Monkeys to Labs

Reports allege that this Spanish airline is transporting monkeys to U.S. laboratories. And the company isn’t talking. Take action.

Marmosets Die, UMass Experimenter Collects $5 Million in Tax Money

These experiments hurt monkeys and taxpayers—help end them!

Update: NIH Director Turns Blind Eye to Cruelty—Demand New Leadership Now

Urge U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to replace Collins with a forward-thinking new leader.

Urge Congress to Stop Wasting Tax Dollars on National Primate Research Centers

Urge your members of Congress to reject additional funding for the National Primate Research Centers—which have only produced pain, misery, and death.

A representation of primates at UW
Tell Drugmaker Sanofi to Stop Near-Drowning Test on Mice

Please take action by urging Sanofi to join some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies in banning this worthless test.

Victory! Congress Passes Bill That Allows Drug Tests on Animals to Be Skipped

A landmark bill would revamp FDA rules requiring deadly animal experiments, allowing faster development of lifesaving treatments. Please urge your Congress member to support it.

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