USDA Refuses to Hold Laboratories to Account, Failing Animals and Science
The Truth About Dissection

Science education should be cutting-edge, so why are some classes still cutting open animals? If you’re a student, sign up to receive FREE stickers and leaflets to help us end dissection.

OHSU Gets Voles Drunk, Covers Up Videos, and Gets Caught by PETA

PETA exposes videos of alcohol and infidelity experiments on animals that Oregon Health & Science University desperately tried to keep the public from seeing.

No Science, No Money: Tell NIH to Stop Dealing With Dubious Colombian Organization

Animals living in their own filth. Years of apparently illegal experiments on monkeys. A PETA investigation has unearthed shocking evidence about Colombian organizations awarded millions in NIH contracts.

Victory! President Signs Groundbreaking FDA Modernization Act 2.0

This game-changing legislation, which PETA worked hard to get passed, is a crucial first step in ending drug testing on animals.

Victory! Feds Finally Take a Stand Against Monkey-Abduction Pipeline

In a monumental action, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is halting the importation of monkeys destined for U.S. laboratories.

Campaign Updates: Harvard’s Sensory-Deprivation Experiments on Monkeys

Torn away from their mothers, baby monkeys in this laboratory cling to cloth “surrogates.” Some have had their eyes sewn shut. Read what PETA’s doing to end this torment.

Close Encounters on Your Campus: It’s PETA’s ‘Abduction’ Experience!

This virtual reality experience is otherworldly, but the pain and fear are real for millions of animals in college and university laboratories. Find out what it’s like to be abducted.

Harvard’s Twisted ‘Science’ Belongs in a Horror Movie, Not in a Lab

Margaret Livingstone steals baby monkeys from their mothers and has sewn their eyes shut in depraved “sensory deprivation” experiments. We won’t stand for it.

Chicks and Cow Eyes Shouldn’t Be Used in Museum Exhibits

Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry is on the wrong side of history as long as it offers a chick-hatching exhibit and cow-eye dissections.

PETA to Navy: Ban the Use of Animals in Cruel Decompression Tests

The U.S. Navy is again supporting excruciating tests that cause animals to endure crippling joint pain, vomiting, and more, despite bans on such tests by other nations’ navies.

PETA Win! Taiwan FDA Ends Cruel Dental Tests on Animals

Not only is animal experimentation cruel, it’s also a colossal failure.

Parents: Join the Movement to End Animal Dissection

Students—and animals—deserve better.

PETA’s Complaint Prompts $1,000 Penalty Against Airline for Illegal Monkey Shipment

PETA’s complaint prompted the feds to fine Hainan Airlines for illegally shipping more than 700 endangered monkeys.

The Monkey Importation Industry Harvests Fear and Delivers Death

Monkey black sites, pandemic risks, secrecy, and misery are the hallmarks of the primate importation world. PETA blows the lid off this dangerous business.

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