Tell These Airlines to Stop Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths

Urge Hi Fly and Bluebird Nordic to stop sending monkeys to their certain deaths in laboratories.

Be a Real Guardian of the Galaxy With 12 Actions to Help Animals in Labs

Just finished Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? There are millions of animals in labs just like Rocket and Floor who need your help—take action for them!

© Marvel Studios
A Monkey Was Gassed to Death—Will His Tormentors Get Away With It?

Please send a polite e-mail to your members of Congress urging them to mandate that NIH stop throwing away taxpayer money on cruel, useless animal experiments and instead focus on modern, non-animal research methods.

URGENT: Sick, Starving—and Possibly Stolen—Dogs in Lab Need Your Help

What the USDA found at Blue Ridge Kennel will make you see red. But its response afterward will make your blood boil.

Icy Heart: Here’s Why You Need to Boycott Sanofi Products

If one of these 16 products is in your medicine cabinet, here’s why you need to think twice before your next trip to the store.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Add These Monkeys to the Endangered Species List!

PETA and other groups are urging the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to help save two species of monkeys from extinction by giving them protections under the Endangered Species Act.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
You’ll Never Believe How Many Monkeys This Trafficker Abducted in Mauritius

Take action to stand up for endangered macaques around the world by pressuring authorities in Mauritius to fully investigate the March 17 incident.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
Tell NSF to Kill the Money Flow to LSU Experimenter—Before She Kills More Birds

Please take action below and tell NSF to stop wasting taxpayer money on her hideous and deadly experiments.

ACT NOW: Urge Your Members of Congress to Send 1,000 Monkeys To Sanctuary

ACT NOW! Time is of the essence. Please contact your members of Congress and respectfully ask them to urge these agencies to send the 1,000 monkeys to a sanctuary and to demand that Charles River pay for it.

Tell Mexican Universities to Lead Latin America by Banning the Forced Swim Test

Two Mexican universities cut off talks with PETA on banning the continued use of the cruel forced swim test. Now, let them hear from you!

Urge the U.S. Army to Shield ALL Animals From Weapon-Wounding Tests

Good news! The U.S. Army ended its cruel experiment on ferrets after hearing from PETA—but dogs, cats, monkeys, and other animals still need your help.

Victory! PETA Sways Medical Charities to Ban Animal Tests

PETA has asked medical charities worldwide to ban all animal tests not explicitly required by law. See which charities deserve your support.

Tell OHSU to Stop Using Live Pigs for OB/GYN Surgery Practice

Oregon Health & Science University is stuck in the past as other schools advance. Here’s how you can urge it to switch to training methods that actually save lives.

URGENT: Tell Feds That Trafficked Monkeys Must Be Sent to Sanctuary Homes

Charles River Laboratories—a giant supplier of animals to laboratories—is now under federal investigation for alleged monkey-import violations. Its victims must be sent to sanctuary homes.

No Time to Waste! This One Thing Must Be Stopped to Protect Asia’s Animals

Urge the USFWS to list long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques as endangered species with full protection under the ESA!

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