Raspberry Council Groups Stop Funding Cruel Experiments on Rats

December 21, 2016 Until recently, rats were being used in cruel experiments to test—of all things—raspberries. The National Processed Raspberry Council and the Washington Red Raspberry Commission had been funding misguided experiments that looked at the effects of raspberries on everything from diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease to balance and coordination. But following discussions with … Read more »

An Equation Could Save 5,000 Animals’ Lives Every Year

At PETA’s urging, the Environmental Protection Agency has launched another pilot program that could prevent thousands of animals from undergoing deadly pesticide tests every year. The agency is asking companies to use an equation to predict toxicity for pesticide products. If this pilot program is successful, 5,000 or more animals may be spared annually. See … Read more »

Netherlands Vows to End Vivisection Nationwide, Calls On PETA for Scientific Expertise

December 15, 2016 In a truly historic move, the Dutch government has announced that it intends to end all tests on animals by 2025, and PETA scientists were asked to help. Early in September, PETA UK’s science policy adviser attended a meeting at The Hague with government officials to discuss a preliminary plan, and we … Read more »

PETA Int’l Science Consortium Funds Research to End Horse Experiments

Following a PETA India investigation documenting the abuse of thousands of horses, donkeys, and mules in antitoxin production, the PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. is funding the development of a non-animal replacement for the diphtheria antitoxin that’s made by repeatedly injecting horses with toxins and drawing large volumes of their blood. See here.

PETA Int’l Science Consortium Organizes Training Session for European Regulatory Agency

The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. organized a training session on the use of non-animal testing methods for a European regulatory agency that oversees a large animal testing program.

Estafeta Carga Aérea Pledges Not to Transport Primates to Laboratories

October 27, 2016 After we contacted Mexico City–based Estafeta Carga Aérea, the airline enacted a policy never to transport nonhuman primates destined for laboratory experiments. In a letter to PETA, company representative Christian F. Burns said that Estafeta Carga Aérea is “on board” with pledging never to participate in the deadly shipments.

VICTORY: Johnson & Johnson Stops Using Animals for Sales Training After PETA Campaign!

After receiving thousands of emails from PETA supporters, Johnson & Johnson (J&J)­–the multibillion-dollar manufacturer of consumer products and medical devices—banned the use of animals in deadly training sessions for sales representatives in North America effective immediately, and globally by the end of 2016. J&J’s statement was released less than 24 hours after PETA posted an … Read more »

The Netherlands Plans to End Animal Tests

PETA was the only international animal-protection group at the original meetings to consult with the Netherlands on its historic plan to phase out all animal experiments by 2025 and provided a detailed roadmap for doing so. See here.

Congressional Briefing on Animal-Free Testing Methods

The American Chemical Society invited the director of PETA’s Regulatory Testing Department, who is also the associate director of the PETA International Science Consortium Ltd., to brief congressional representatives and their staff on animal-free testing methods. She spoke alongside officials from Dow Chemical Company and Johns Hopkins University. The briefing was standing room only. See … Read more »

VICTORY: Tell the FDA That Animal Tests Won’t Prove Antibacterials Safe!

Good news! After PETA submitted comments to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) on ways to avoid tests on animals for antiseptic washes, the FDA found that the ingredients in question are not safe and effective, that products containing them cannot be sold anymore, and  9,000 animals were spared agonizing tests.

35 Animals Saved From Painful Experiments

When a cruelty-free company owner contacted PETA for help with an overseas regulatory agency that wanted him to conduct several animal tests, PETA’s scientists jumped into action and provided him with the information that he needed in order to push back against the requirement. As a result, the agency withdrew its demand for the animal … Read more »

India Moves Closer to Replacing Cruel Chemical Tests on Rabbits

Following input from PETA India and PETA U.S. scientists, the number of rabbits used in Draize eye testing will be dramatically reduced after an Indian advisory board recommended that validated non-animal tests be used instead for new drug registrations. See here.

National Institutes of Health Releases Plan to Retire All Government-Owned Chimpanzees

August 11, 2016 The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has at last announced a strategy and timeline to retire all NIH-owned and supported chimpanzees who are now warehoused in laboratories. All the chimpanzees will go to the Chimp Haven sanctuary over the next decade. This follows pressure from Congress and more than 100,000 PETA supporters … Read more »

Legislation Modernizing Chemical Testing Is Enacted

After PETA spent years campaigning for and promoting non-animal testing methods, the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act was signed into law in 2016. By modernizing the American system of chemical toxicity testing and requiring, for the first time, that the Environmental Protection Agency reduce and replace the use of animals, … Read more »

Charter Airline Group Air Transport Services Group (ATSG) Stops Flying Monkeys to Laboratories

April 19th, 2016 After intensive campaigning by PETA and tens of thousands of activists who sent e-mails, Air Transport Services Group (ATSG) told PETA that it is ending the transport of monkeys to laboratories! This announcement comes one week after PETA urged Amazon—which recently partnered with ATSG—to ask the air carrier to end this cruel practice. … Read more »

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