25 Reasons You Should Never Fly Air France

Air France is the only major airline in the world that still ships monkeys to be killed in laboratories. This is how they do it.

Stop Militaries’ World War on Animals!

Please take a moment to contact military officials in Canada, Norway, Denmark, and the U.K. and urge them to stop harming and killing animals!

©Jørn Stjerneklar
VICTORY: Urge Charter Airlines to Stop Shipping Monkeys to Laboratories!

Please urge Charter Airlines to join nearly every other airline in the world by banning shipments of primates destined for cruel experiments.

Tell the NFL to Stop Funding Sports-Injury Experiments on Animals

The National Football League Foundation is funding horrific and deadly sports injury-related experiments on animals. Ask them to stop!

Urge Feds to Cut Funding for Cruel Experiments at UCSF

Please call on NIH to cut taxpayer funding for experiments on animals at UCSF.

Help Stop Air France From Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths!

Air France continues to ship monkeys to laboratories, tell officials that you won’t be flying with the airline until it stops this cruel practice!

Canadian Military’s Bloody and Barbaric Training on Live Pigs Exposed

Help spare pigs from cruel chemical-casualty training right now by contacting Canadian military officials.

Tell Bristol-Myers Squibb to Implement Non-Animal Tests

Please be a voice for the animals suffering in Bristol-Myers Squibb laboratories.

Help Stop University Faculty From Staging Animal Fights!

Faculty at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have spent millions of tax dollars on staging violent fights between animals in their laboratories.

Help Us Tell It Like It Is: Animal Research Is Murder

In laboratories across the United States, millions of animals are suffering in horrible ways—and you’re paying for it.

Ask Airlines to Stop Shipping Monkeys to Be Tortured

Learn more about PETA’s Air Cruelty campaign and what you can do to help stop the transport of primates to labs for cruel experiments!

Undercover Investigation Documents Misery for Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits

Urge pharmaceutical companies to use only non-animal methods in the development and testing of companion animal products.

Pledge to Be Cruelty-Free

Sign the pledge and joining the thousands of caring consumers who refuse to purchase products from corporations that abuse animals.

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