Tell Air Force Cadets to Stop Beating Rabbits to Death!

Please urge the superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy to replace the use of animals in expeditionary survival and evasion, or “sustenance,” training exercises with non-animal training methods.

Help Animals Suffering in University of Utah Laboratories

Urge the university to release to the public complete records on all taxpayer-funded animal experiments at the University of Utah.

VICTORY: Airline Stops Flying Monkeys to Laboratories

Air Transport Services Group (ATSG) has told PETA that it is ending the transport of monkeys to laboratories!

Tell Russia to End Space Experiments on Monkeys!

Animals aren’t astronauts. Yet Russia is taking a giant step backward for science and ethics by conducting cruel and misguided space-related experiments on monkeys.

Tell the University of Oklahoma to Send Imprisoned Baboons to a Sanctuary!

Please join PETA in urging OU to send its remaining baboons to a sanctuary, where they can live out the rest of their lives in peace.

Great News! Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act Passes in the Senate

We applaud the bipartisan passage by the Senate of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, which contains important language to reduce and replace the use of animals in painful chemical toxicity tests.

Kikkoman Ends Animal Tests!

Kikkoman agrees to stop experiments after pressure from PETA.

Victoria’s Dirty Secret: Paying for Cruel Tests on Animals in China

Please tell Victoria’s Secret that cruelty isn’t sexy and that you won’t buy its products until the company is 100 percent cruelty-free again.

Tell Shriners to Stop Funding Cruel Burn Experiments on Animals

Please stand up for animals suffering in UTMB’s laboratories by urging Shriners International to stop funding burn experiments at the university.

Update: Students Dance With Cat Corpses: Tell Oklahoma School to Stop Dissection!

The school announced that it is suspending its cat dissection program!

HELP NOW: Pain, Fear, Death for Monkeys at Filthy Florida Warehouse

Every year, thousands of monkeys are shipped to the U.S. to be tormented in labs. A PETA exposé finds severe stress and death for those who arrive at a major dealer.

More Than 111 Million Mice and Rats Used Each Year in U.S. Labs

Tell your congresspeople to care about mice and rats!

Psychological Torture Experiments at NIH Must Stop

Chilling photos and videos reveal traumatic psychological experiments on monkeys and their babies in taxpayer-funded NIH laboratories.

Tell Breast Cancer Charities to Use Non-Animal Research!

Ask executives of organizations that fund animal research to stop funding animal experiments and to back only scientifically sound, humane research.

VICTORY: Tell the FDA That Animal Tests Won’t Prove Antibacterials Safe!

Please take a moment to send a polite note urging the FDA to require manufacturers of antiseptic washes to prove that their products are more effective than soap and water or else remove the active ingredients in question.

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