Tell the University of Houston–Clear Lake to STOP Abusing Animals in Classroom Labs!

UHCL is using rats for cruel experiments, even though humane alternatives exist! Speak up today and urge the school to stop abusing animals.

Canada Has Stopped Buying Monkeys from PPI—Let’s Make It Permanent

Please send a message to Canadian Minister of Health Jane Philpott and urge her and the Public Health Agency of Canada to sever ties permanently with PPI!

Chevron, Pull Your Support From TAMU While Dogs Suffer There

After hearing from you, Chevron questioned Texas A&M University to ensure that the company’s donation is not being used to fund cruel experiments!

District Ends Cat Dissection—Urge It to End ALL Dissection!

The North East Independent School District (NEISD) has recently ended cat dissection–which is a great first step! But no animal should ever be cut apart and used for dissection.

© iStock.com/kelvinjay
Urge the FDA to Support Animal-Free Test Methods!

Thank the FDA for supporting humane technology, and urge it to do more.

© iStock.com/tiripero
Tell Congress: Fund Modern Research Methods Instead of Cruel Experiments on Animals

Please urge your congressional representatives to mandate that NIH stop wasting taxpayer money on cruel, useless animal experiments and instead focus on modern, non-animal methods of research.

Mice Tormented, Starved, and Drowned at The Jackson Laboratory: Take Action!

The National Institutes of Health has awarded Jackson tens of millions of dollars in funding even though it has repeatedly violated minimal federal animal welfare guidelines.

Urge Texas A&M University to Free Nine Healthy Dogs

Twenty dogs from the school’s failed muscular dystrophy lab remain imprisoned on her campus. Tell her that they deserve to be in loving homes.

Urge the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to Stop Funding Experiments on Dogs

Urge the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to stop funding these cruel experiments on dogs!

Tell Congress to Curb Abuse at Cruel Meat Animal Research Center!

Please contact your legislators and politely urge them to support the AWARE Act.

Please Urge NIH to Pull the Plug on Funding for Cruel and Abusive Primate Laboratory

Join PETA in urging the NIH to pull the permit that allows Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories to receive tax dollars in the form of federal contracts.

VICTORY: Johnson & Johnson Stops Using Animals for Sales Training After PETA Campaign!

Less than 24 hours after PETA published an action alert, thousands of people wrote to Johnson & Johnson.

© iStock.com/Nicole Neily
Urge the Indian Government to Close Abusive Horse Facilities

Urge the Indian government to shut down equine-serum facilities that abuse horses, donkeys, and mules.

AirBridgeCargo Fined for Animal Welfare Violations

Liars? AirBridgeCargo Airlines banned the transport of monkeys to laboratories in 2018 after pressure from PETA. Now insiders say the company has resumed this vile trade.

Backyard Brains: Stop Mutilating Cockroaches!

Tell the cofounder of Backyard Brains to stop selling live animals and cruel surgery kits.

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