Mercury Air: Monkeys Aren’t Cargo—Tell the Truth About Your Plans!

Thanks to your e-mails and phone calls, AirBridgeCargo has notified PETA that it will not transport monkeys to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to be experimented on.

VICTORY: Monkeys Abused in Volkswagen Inhalation Test­—Take Action!

Your thousands of e-mails worked! VW’s CEO has confirmed to PETA Germany that the company will never again use animals in cruel tests.

Tell the USDA: Do Your Job to Protect Animals in Labs!

Your comments worked! The agency has announced that it won’t defer to private groups to conduct inspections of labs, which would have meant more suffering for animals.

Experimenter Plots to Torment, Kill Birds—Help PETA Stop This

Christine Lattin’s new experiments at Louisiana State University will kill sparrows with no benefit to humans or other species.

U. of Minn. Veterinarian Backtracks on Drowning Birds—Act Now!

The veterinarian’s oath requires her to prevent suffering, but birds may need to be protected from her. Demand that her bosses condemn the drowning of birds!

An Experimenter Torments Rats for a Living—Let’s Stop Her!

A University of Delaware experimenter torments pregnant and baby rats—with the support of taxpayer money. Time to get her off the grant gravy train.

Monkeys Denied Water in Cruel Experiment That You Paid For

This experiment reads like a joke. But it wasn’t funny to the monkeys.

Funding Cut for Four Sick Sex Experiments on Animals—One More to Go

Four of the experimenters are no longer receiving public grants. The fifth, Mount Sinai Hospital’s Eric Nestler, continues to get taxpayer money. Take action!

Birds Drowned, Live Crayfish Injected With Latex for Dissection

PETA’s shocking exposé reveals live animals drowned, injected with chemicals, and reportedly frozen to death—so they would end up on a dissection tray.

Encourage the EPA to Replace Animal Tests

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is asking for comments on its draft strategic plan.

Victory! Your Calls and E-Mails Ended Cruel Starvation Experiments

More than 185,000 of you demanded that St. Mary’s University in San Antonio put an end to Marshall McCue’s twisted starvation experiments, and your voices were heard.

VICTORY: Stop Animal Fighting Experiments at Northeastern University!

Please join PETA’s efforts by contacting Northeastern University officials and urging them to put an immediate stop to these animal fighting experiments.

Urge the FDA to End Painful Tests on Animals

Please ask the FDA to accept superior non-animal methods in place of archaic and unreliable animal tests.

Urge Impossible Foods and Hampton Creek to Stop Testing on Animals

Please urge Impossible Foods CEO Patrick Brown and Hampton Creek cofounders Josh Balk and Josh Tetrick to ensure that no more animals suffer in tests for their products.

PETA to Brown University: Heads Should Roll for Animal Welfare Incompetence

These bats are just the latest victims of appalling neglect and incompetence at the school. Help other animals imprisoned there.

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