Experimenters Trap Small Animals in Beakers of Water Until They Stop Swimming

Tell the pharma giant what you think about dropping mice and rats into containers of water and making them swim for their lives.

Johns Hopkins Doesn’t Give Two Hoots About Owls—Help PETA Swoop In

An experimenter at Johns Hopkins University receives tax dollars to restrain and torment barn owls—and pretends that doing so helps humans.

Cruel and Unscientific: NIH Plans to Use More Marmosets in Experiments

Intelligent and sensitive marmoset monkeys are small, cooperative, and easy to handle—so of course, laboratories want to torment more of them in cruel experiments.

© iStock.com/betoinorge
Drugged Octopuses, Gambling Monkeys, and Shocked Mice

Experimenters at Johns Hopkins University have outdone themselves in the worthless and cruel department. Tell the school that this needs to stop.

© iStock.com/Michael Zeigler
Drugs, Lies, and Documents: Pulling Back the Curtain on a Monkey Laboratory

After an activist revealed that a university was addicting monkeys to illicit drugs, the school claimed that the animals would be retired to a sanctuary. It was a lie.

© iStock.com/juri-pozzi
Animal Experimenters Try to Force Airlines to Transport Monkeys to Their Deaths

They’re so desperate to get monkeys to kill that they’re going to court.

Help End the Funding for Deadly Sepsis Experiments on Mice

The federal government is wasting our tax money on sepsis experiments on mice despite knowing that the results can NEVER apply to humans.

Let’s End Experiments on Animals at Colleges and Universities

With the click of a button, urge multiple colleges and universities to end cruel, useless experiments on animals. Take action today!

Governor Signs California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act!

Congratulations, California residents! Gov. Jerry Brown has signed the California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act.

© iStock.com/James Brey
Sex, Violence, and Vivisection: Are Some Animal Experimenters Psychopaths?

First, they came for the animals. It didn’t stop there.

End the Use of Animals as Living Factories

Sign the petition to show your support for ending the use of animals to produce antibodies.

© PETA Asia
Urge Feds to Investigate the CDC’s Laboratories Now!

The CDC’s lack of accountability has resulted in egregious suffering for animals and perilous working conditions for employees.

Rabbits, Goats, and Llamas Used as Living Incubators—Take Action!

We’ve called for a police investigation into the horrific situation documented by federal authorities at ProSci. Will you add your voice to our efforts by signing our petition?

VICTORY for Mice Suffering at Pitt! Now Help More Animals

We did it! An experimenter at the University of Pittsburgh no longer has federal funding for his cruel, useless sepsis experiments.

Take Action! Loretta’s Story Shows How Animals Suffered at PPI (VIDEO)

Loretta endured a life of pain and loneliness at PPI, a notorious primate dealer in Florida. Her story will inspire you to take action. #WhereIsLoretta

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