LSU Bird Experimenter Calls This Violence ‘Science’—PETA Calls Her Bluff
LSU Bird Experimenter Calls This Violence ‘Science’—PETA Calls Her Bluff

LSU’s Christine Lattin flooded birds with hormones, terrorized them with predator sounds, and killed them. Her violence isn’t science—help end it today.

Did Agnès Lacreuse Lie to Get Taxpayer Money for Monkey Experiments?
Did Agnès Lacreuse Lie to Get Taxpayer Money for Monkey Experiments?

A notorious University of Massachusetts–Amherst experimenter may have lied on a grant application to secure taxpayer money for bogus experiments on monkeys.

Obtained by PETA through public records law
Facing Lawsuit, NIH Apologizes for Barring PETA VP From Public Meeting
Facing Lawsuit, NIH Apologizes for Barring PETA VP From Public Meeting

A PETA vice president was pleased to receive an apology from NIH over its alleged viewpoint discrimination. Now she looks forward to advocating for animals at future public meetings.

PETA Exposes the Monkey-Importation Industry’s Darkest Secrets
PETA Exposes the Monkey-Importation Industry’s Darkest Secrets

Hungry for profits, the monkey-abduction industry condemns its victims to misery in laboratories—and risks public health and global biodiversity to do it. Help us shut it down.

PETA Gets Monkey-Torture Papers Scrubbed From Scientific Record
PETA Gets Monkey-Torture Papers Scrubbed From Scientific Record

After action by PETA and renowned bioethicist and Animal Liberation author Peter Singer, papers describing monkey torture have been scrubbed from the scientific record.

PETA Calls Out UMass Support of Bloody Monkey Torment in New School Seal
PETA Calls Out UMass Support of Bloody Monkey Torment in New School Seal

The University of Massachusetts–Amherst, home of marmoset tormentor Agnès Lacreuse, is looking for help redesigning its school seal. PETA was happy to oblige.

PETA Files Complaint After Top-Tier School’s Incompetence Causes Suffering, Death
PETA Files Complaint After Top-Tier School’s Incompetence Causes Suffering, Death

PETA demands that University of Michigan officials finally crack down on the culture of cruelty in its laboratories and hold its staffers accountable for their actions.

UW Now Accepting Applications for Spin Doctor at Notorious Primate Center
UW Now Accepting Applications for Spin Doctor at Notorious Primate Center

The University of Washington is looking for a new PR manager to put a happy face on its notorious primate center, a vile and inept monkey prison.

Play PETA’s New Game, ‘Bad Logic Bingo,’ B-4 You Trust an Animal Experimenter
Play PETA’s New Game, ‘Bad Logic Bingo,’ B-4 You Trust an Animal Experimenter

Grab your bingo cards and markers: Primate experimenters’ self-contradictory logic and flimsy excuses for torture are so predictable that we’re calling them out ourselves.

The Feds Almost NEVER Do This—See What Prompted Them to Act on the Dog Lab PETA Exposed
The Feds Almost NEVER Do This—See What Prompted Them to Act on the Dog Lab PETA Exposed

After filing seven inspection reports documenting denial of veterinary care and dilapidated living conditions for dogs, the USDA brought a complaint against Blue Ridge Kennel.

MIT Experimenter Goes Home, Leaves Monkey Restrained for 18 Hours
MIT Experimenter Goes Home, Leaves Monkey Restrained for 18 Hours

PETA is calling for the immediate termination of the MIT experimenter who left a monkey restrained for more than 18 hours.

The Year of the Rabbit Is Here—Leap for Joy Over PETA’s Progress for Rabbits in Labs
The Year of the Rabbit Is Here—Leap for Joy Over PETA’s Progress for Rabbits in Labs

Lunar New Year on January 22, 2023, ushered in the Year of the Rabbit in the Chinese zodiac. Leap for joy reading these PETA victories for rabbits in laboratories.

Science Suffers as NIH Funds Scofflaw Monkey Supplier for Dubious Tests
Science Suffers as NIH Funds Scofflaw Monkey Supplier for Dubious Tests

Monkeys escape regularly from Alpha Genesis, a supplier of laboratories nationwide, where they also often die due to neglect and incompetence. But NIH keeps giving it money anyway.

VIDEO: Mabel Spends Her First Holidays in a Loving Home—Instead of in a Miserable Laboratory-Supplying Factory
VIDEO: Mabel Spends Her First Holidays in a Loving Home—Instead of in a Miserable Laboratory-Supplying Factory

After being freed from Envigo’s dog-breeding hellhole, Mabel the beagle is spending her first holidays in a loving home, thanks to PETA.

22 Major Victories That PETA Achieved for Animals in Labs in 2022
22 Major Victories That PETA Achieved for Animals in Labs in 2022

In 2022 alone, PETA’s advocacy led to the rescue of more than 4,000 dogs bred for use in experiments. Learn more about our full-time work for animals in labs.

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