Research Center Inmates Recaptured, More’s the Pity

On the “even the little guy sometimes gets a break” front, we recently received news that nine monkeys had escaped from the Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC). The monkeys apparently made a break for it when a laboratory worker left their outdoor cage unsecured (great idea—lab workers reading this please take note). Sadly, all … Read more »

Bolivia Bans Military Abuse of Animals (Historic Victory!)

After less than a month of PETA campaigning, the Bolivian minister of defense went on that country’s national television to announce an historic ban on all animal abuse in military training exercises, stating that the Bolivian government is issuing Resolution 217 to prohibit all acts of violence, exploitation, and mistreatment that provokes the death of … Read more »

Department of Defense Stepping Up for Animals

Over the past 16 months, PETA has waged a relentless campaign to end the military’s archaic trauma-training exercises. In these exercises, thousands of live goats and pigs are shot, stabbed, cut apart, and burned, and monkeys are poisoned with nerve chemicals. We called on the Department of Defense (DoD) to investigate the military’s methods immediately, … Read more »

Activists Sound the Alarm on Fort Carson’s Cruel Trauma Training

In case it’s never been said before, I’m going to go ahead and say it: Colorado activists rock! Activists in Colorado Springs showed that they are fed up with Fort Carson for stabbing and reportedly burning and shooting live goats in bloody trauma-training exercises that attempt to mimic human battlefield injuries. They staked out a … Read more »

R.I.P. Annabel

olifantenhuis / CC On Sunday, a 45-year-old elephant named Annabel was euthanized after falling into a ditch that surrounded her compound at Emmen Zoo in the Netherlands. For more than two and a half hours, zoo workers tried to help the struggling elephant pull herself out of the ditch. Ultimately, firefighters used a truck to … Read more »

Announcing PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Soldiers!

When we first announced our plan to find the “Sexiest Vegetarian Soldier,” we meant to end up with just one winner. But how could we come up with just one winner when there are five branches of the military that are equally deserving—and equally sexy? That’s why we’ve selected one winner each from the Army, … Read more »

Update: Desert Tortoise Relocation Plans Halted Because of High Death Toll

Click the photo to view the slideshow at LAWeekly.comCredit: C.R. Stecyk III As promised, we have an update regarding the relocation of endangered desert tortoises, which army officials began airlifting earlier this year in preparation for the land expansion of Fort Irwin in California. To jog your memory a bit: The desert tortoises had been … Read more »

It’s a Tortoise Battlefield

The war in Iraq may be thousands of miles away and across one good-sized ocean, but there’s another scuffle going on over desert lands that are closer to home. U.S. soldiers are in a territory dispute with one of the Mohave’s oldest inhabitants: California Tortoises. LA Weekly reports that after years of coexisting with these … Read more »

Court Martial for Army Pig Shooters?

wannaveg / CC Last month, PETA broke the news about barbaric U.S. Army trauma training exercises that were being conducted at a base camp in Hawaii, in which pigs were shot with high-powered rifles. Local Army officials there are standing by their false claims that these exercises are necessary to provide soldiers with the skill … Read more »

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