Metal Undies: They’re the Bomb!

While the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and privacy advocates play hot potahto over proposed full-body scans at airport security checkpoints, we at PETA say, “Bring ’em on.” Pourquoi? Well, several reasons, really: Heaven knows, we at PETA aren’t shy about flashing a little skin in order to save animals. Day in and day out, TSA … Read more »

Zapping NASA’s Radiation Tests on Monkeys

Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. Shouldn’t every day be “Bring Your Daughter to the Demo” Day?     This adorable girl joined other proud PETA supporters outside … Read more »

Save Animals From Being Killed in Military Training Exercises

army-technology / CC For two years, we’ve been protesting the U.S. government’s declaration of war on animals. The military abuses thousands of healthy animals in trauma training exercises, even though superior non-animal methods are available. In these exercises, pigs are shot, stabbed, and burned; goats have their legs broken with bolt cutters and cut off … Read more »

Victory! Texas Tech Drops Cruel Cat Lab

static.squidoo / CC A few weeks ago, we were thrilled to report that Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) agreed to stop using homeless cats obtained from Odessa Animal Control in deadly medical training exercises, but we weren’t sure whether or not Texas Tech had abandoned the practice of shoving plastic tubes down the … Read more »

PETA Monkeys to NASA: Stop Radiation Tests!

It was a cagey scene outside NASA headquarters in D.C. yesterday when our primates urged NASA to scrap its misguided $1.75 million plan to torment monkeys in radiation experiments. The demonstration was out-of-this-world spectacular, prompting NASA employees to approach our volunteers for some dynamic discussions. No one could walk by these guys without stopping to … Read more »

Hands Off the Adorable Monkeys, NASA

usatoday / CC Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. You may remember that years back, PETA was instrumental in getting NASA out of the monkey business when we … Read more »

ONPRC Kills (More) Monkeys / CC Back in March, we told you about the USDA’s investigation at Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC). The investigation came about as a result of a PETA complaint exposing that a monkey had been operated on by mistake; that a sick, pregnant monkey had been denied veterinary care; and that other abuses … Read more »

Win an iPod by Helping Stop Deadly Training Exercises on Animals

The U.S. military has declared war on animals by burning, stabbing, and shooting them in unnecessary training exercises, and it’s time to fight back! Animals need you to enlist in the army of animal lovers willing to speak out against these cruel exercises. If you go above and beyond the call of duty for this … Read more »

Former Trauma Training Teacher Speaks Out

Just like the Beach Boys, we wish they all could be California girls—because California girls put on one heck of a protest! Check out these Left Coast ladies in action outside Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, California:     Credit also goes to the California boys who attended the protest, including Scott Adams, a retired paramedic … Read more »

Military Stabs Pigs in Avocado Field

thespoof / CC Y’all know how we feel about killing animals for “trauma training” by now, right? (Hint: It sucks—to put it mildly.) Well, after learning that live pigs are reportedly being shot and stabbed in a California avocado grove owned by police officer David Bishop—all as part of trauma training exercises conducted by Washington-based … Read more »

Comic Strip Creator Opposes Cruel Cat Labs

Animals—from horses to birds as well as those killed for their fur, skin, and flesh—have a friend in Dan Piraro, creator of the wonderfully offbeat internationally syndicated cartoon Bizarro. Now Dan has stepped up for cats used in excruciating (and scientifically inferior) pediatric intubation training at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Trainees who are enrolled in … Read more »

Goats Treated Like Garbage at Fort Lewis

militaryplaques / CC This is hot off the press, folks. We just heard from an Army medic today that several goats who had been used in a trauma training exercise at Fort Lewis were allegedly discarded in sealed plastic bags even though they were still breathing. The goats had been subjected to all sorts of … Read more »

Oo-Rah! Military Tackles Cruelty to Animals

deathpenaltyinfo / CC In a move that is waaaay long past overdue, a military panel has recommended adding cruelty to animals to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which is the foundation of US military law. Hard to believe it wasn’t already in there, but we’re just glad it’s in the works now. Last year, … Read more »

Medical Experts Shoot Down Military Experiments

Through the Freedom of Information Act, the Physician’s Committeee for Responsible Medicine (PRCM) has obtained video footage of several Department of Defense military trauma training exercises. In training exercises that are supposed to simulate the effects of a nerve agent attack, monkeys experience seizures and difficulty breathing. In another exercise, live goats are cut open—causing … Read more »

Oliver Stone Thanks Bolivian President

  floridahumanist / CC Did you know that in addition to being the award-winning director of Platoon and Born on the Fourth of July, Oliver Stone is a decorated Army veteran? He’s earned a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. Stone’s interest in the military and his compassion for animals is what prompted him to … Read more »

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