Frontline Fatal to Animals?

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Paul McCartney’s Urgent Appeal to NASA

Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. Live and let die live: So goes Sir Paul McCartney’s new hit … against NASA’s pricey plan to bankroll the zapping of … Read more »

In Space, No One Can Hear You Tweet

Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. But here on Earth, people aren’t only listening, they’re following you—on Twitter. Check out the following tweet from Astro_Sandy, aka NASA astronaut … Read more »

Ex-NASA Engineer on HLN Tonight

Patrick Gijsbers / CC by 2.0 Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. TiVo alert: April Evans, my nominee for Gutsiest Animal Defender of the Year, is scheduled to … Read more »

The Few. The Proud. The Kitten Rescuers.

Life can be treacherous for everyone living in a war zone. Homeless dogs have been gunned down in Baghdad, and there are even rumors that the Taliban are training monkeys to use guns. (Hey, I said that it’s a rumor.) But thanks to a few big-hearted Marines, two lucky cats, now named Kiki and Keykey, … Read more »

NASA Engineer Quits Over Monkey Experiment

pazzani / CC by 2.0 Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that NASA’s plan to fund an experimenter … Read more »

Humane Hijackers Take Over TWTRCON Feed

As NASA public affairs specialist Stephanie Schierholz took to the stage at Monday’s TWTRCON to weigh in on “customer service,” animal defenders elsewhere took to their Twitter accounts and took over the #TWTRCON hashtag—specifically weighing in on NASA’s plan to fund a misguided, cruel, and wasteful experiment in which dozens of squirrel monkeys would be … Read more »

European Space Agency Sides With Monkeys

Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. The European Space Agency (ESA) is light years ahead of NASA in the compassion, technology, and common-sense departments. In a recent letter … Read more »

The Star of the International Space Conference

Some people just can’t take a little bit of constructive criticism. Over the weekend, a PETA supporter took to the stage at the National Space Society’s International Space Development Conference to interrupt a speech by NASA administrator Charles Bolden. Today, we received a phone call from Gary Barnhard, executive director of the National Space Society, … Read more »

‘I’d Rather Be a Zombie Than a NASA Astronaut’

Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. Who wouldn’t, right? Earlier this month, we asked our Twitter followers to let everyone know what they’d rather do than torment animals … Read more »

Aliens Want You

We have met the enemy and the enemy is … E.T.? At least, that’s what astrophysicist Stephen Hawking says. He warns that extraterrestrials could be like … well, like humans, who never seem to have met an “alien” life form that they didn’t want to capture, enslave, experiment on, or even eat alive. Inspired by … Read more »

Tweet This, NASA

Julielangford / CC by 3.0 Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. It’s World Week for Animals in Laboratories—do you know where your tweets are? Hopefully, they will soon … Read more »

Call NASA, Save Monkeys!

  http2007 / CC by 2.0 Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. Despite our petitions, demonstrations, tweets to astronauts in space, a letter from the U.S. Congress, and … Read more »

Advocate’s Efforts Really ‘Moo’ve Us

    Shari—an enthusiastic PETA supporter—chatted up tons of rodeo attendees in her community last week about the abuse of animals used in rodeos, in which human performers use electric prods, spurs, and bucking straps to irritate and enrage bulls, horses, and other unwilling “costars” into participating in the show. Shari’s dedication to speaking out … Read more »

NASA Monkey Experiments Appear to Violate Federal Regulations

  break-fresh-ground / CC Blasting as many as 30 monkeys with radiation and then imprisoning them for the rest of their lives in tiny steel cages in order to assess how the radiation damages their bodies is wrong on too many levels to count. And it also appears to violate NASA’s own guidelines—and federal regulations … Read more »

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