Pay Attention: Canada Lets in More Endangered Monkeys, Increasing Disease Risk

Dozens of top-flight scientists, doctors, and more are speaking out against Canada for allowing cruel and deadly shipments of endangered monkeys into the country.

Federal Report Confirms PETA’s Findings: NIH Wastes Your Money Without a Care

Are foreign laboratories running amok with U.S. taxpayers’ cash? A new federal report confirms what PETA has uncovered.

Watch Now: Harvard Experimenter Blames Cartoons for Empathy Toward Animals

Harvard tax-funded monkey torturer Margaret Livingstone thinks people want her to stop abusing baby monkeys because they watched too many cartoons as children. Here’s what WE think.

PETA to Med Students: 3 Questions to Help Save Animals and Your Education

If you’re looking for a career in medicine, you’re probably eager to learn with the best training tools available. And since not all schools’ programs are created equal, here’s how to find the best ones.

PETA Wants Answers: Did Maryland Schools Break State Cruelty Laws in Baboon Deaths?

A baboon bled to death, and another one was strangled at separate Maryland universities. PETA wants police to investigate and levy possible charges for violating laws against cruelty to animals.

Lies and More Lies: PETA Exposes Manuel Elkin Patarroyo’s Many Falsehoods

How often can one person lie before it comes back to haunt them? The founder of a monkey torture center in Colombia is about to find out.

Campaign Updates: Utah State University Torments Rats in Psychology Course

Semester after semester, undergraduate students at Utah State University (USU) who are enrolled in a course called Advanced Analysis of Behavior (PSY 3400) are required to lock rats inside barren metal boxes where the animals are trained to push a lever to receive food pellets, all while being bombarded with random bursts of bright light.

New Paper by PETA Scientists Tackles Flawed Pharmaceutical Experiments on Animals

In a newly published paper, PETA scientists lay bare a solid plan for ending two of the pharmaceutical industry’s most cruel and pointless experiments on animals.

Major Health Agency Slashes Funding for Sepsis Experiments on Animals After Push From PETA

Animals spared! PETA challenged cruel, pointless sepsis experiments on animals. The government couldn’t ignore us.

PETA Finds 255 Safety Violations at Primate Facilities, Pushes Feds to Investigate

Workers at the University of Washington’s monkey-breeding facility are routinely getting hurt. PETA’s calling for an immediate investigation.

Campaign Updates: PETA Calls For End of Baboon Pregnancy Experiments at Eastern Virginia Medical School

For more than 40 years, Eastern Virginia Medical School’s Gerald Pepe has used baboons in nightmarish pregnancy experiments, most recently injecting them with hormones and cutting out and killing their babies at various stages of gestation.

PETA Calls For Investigation Over Apparent Ill-Treatment of Baboons at Eastern Virginia Medical School

PETA is calling for a criminal probe into the Eastern Virginia Medical School laboratory of Gerald Pepe, where mother baboons endured unimaginable suffering.

E-Mails Reveal Student Concern, Staff Skepticism About Pig Mutilation Training for Doctors

PETA received internal e-mails showing that staff and students at Oregon Health & Science University are concerned about the mutilation of live pigs in OB/GYN training.

Taxpayers, Beware: Fauci Confesses Spending Your Money Without Checking

Anthony Fauci is the third former or current high-ranking NIH official to admit to spending taxpayer money on foreign laboratories without checking on them.

40 Years of Monkey Misery: Margaret Livingstone’s Cruel Career Timeline

It’s time for Margaret Livingstone to quit her day job. After 40 years of animal experimentation, she’s failed to help humans, despite a monumental monkey body count.

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