Whistleblowers: Egyptian University Cuts Into Dogs for Cruel Trainings

Cairo University appears to be mutilating animals in veterinary school trainings, and students demand that it stop immediately.

Whistleblower Report: Dead Monkeys, Severed Tongues at Alpha Genesis Primate Prison

Monkeys missing parts of their tongues, others found dead in cages. These are just a few of the allegations made by a whistleblower about Alpha Genesis’ primate prison.

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Experimenter Cries ‘Monkey Shortage!’ While Killing 10 Monkeys in a Month

Inglorious University of Massachusetts–Amherst experimenter Agnès Lacreuse killed nearly half her monkey population in a single month, not long after decrying a made-up monkey shortage.

Obtained by PETA through public records law
‘Battlestar Galactica’s’ Edward James Olmos Joins Forces With PETA to Urge Congress to End Funding of Foreign Experiments on Animals

THIS “Mayans M.C.” star wants Congress to end the funding of experiments on animals in laboratories overseas in “one fast move.” Find out what he said in a new PETA video.

Animal Experiments Lead Science Astray, Leaving Human Patients Suffering

Research into psychedelics as treatments for a variety of mental health ailments is a promising new development that’s threatened to be stymied by pointless and cruel animal testing.

Students Opt-Out of Killing Pigs in Pointless Practice Surgeries at OHSU

Medical residents at Oregon Health & Science University were not enthusiastic about killing pigs in practice surgeries, and they’ve taken action.

250+ Army Veterans Demand Pentagon Ban Weapon-Wounding Tests on Animals

After the U.S. Army quietly resumed mutilating animals with weapons in gruesome experiments, veterans are demanding a ban on the tests.

© iStock.com/Seyfettinozel
Meet Deb Fuller, New Warden of the University of Washington’s Primate Prison

Meet Deb Fuller, a problematic animal experimenter who was promoted to a top position at the University of Washington’s decaying primate center.

The Results Are In: Most U.S. Residents Want End to Crude Experiments on Animals

Have experimenters fooled U.S. residents about what goes on in laboratories that test on animals? Here’s what two surveys found—and what it means for the future of science.

Viral Experiments on Animals Highlight a Cruelty Epidemic in Tax-Funded Laboratories

Experimenters are going viral, and the consequences for animals are painful and deadly. Read a sampling of the sick experiments that leave animals to suffer from painful disease symptoms.

PETA Obtains Documents That Reveal Extreme Suffering in NIH Lab

PETA’s lawsuit reveals that dozens of monkeys had chronic infections and diarrhea and were kept thirsty for years.

PETA Scientists’ Coauthored Approach to Cancer Tests Will Save Thousands of Animals

Each time a company uses this approach, hundreds of animals will be spared being force-fed pesticides and ultimately killed.

© iStock.com/olgagorovenko
STEM Students Sound Off: Learn How Testing on Animals Affects the Humans Who Do It

Personal trauma over experimenting on mice and other animals is creating a brain drain in scientific fields. PETA knows that institutions can recover and evolve.

Lies and More Lies: Capitol Hill Monkey Hearing Exposes Deceitful Industry

Testimony from monkey dealers at a congressional hearing stacked with monkey importers and their apologists shows we’re all at risk.

Feds Cite University of Washington Over Irradiated Monkey Death

A rogue professor at the University of Washington violated protocol and repeatedly sickened and irradiated a monkey to the point of near death. PETA is calling for her immediate removal.

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