Progress! Nevada Passes Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act—Here’s the Catch

Nevada legislators want “to make cruel cosmetics a thing of the past.” Find out what’s missing from the state’s new law and what you can do about it.

New Cosmetics Testing Regs in China Could Spare Thousands of Animals

PETA exposed them. Now, new regulations drafted by the Chinese government represent a huge step forward in banning senseless, cruel animal tests for cosmetics.

Victory! California’s ‘Lab-Gag’ Bill Is Gone

PETA members win again! After receiving your e-mails, calls, and tweets, the California Assembly member who introduced the dangerous “lab-gag” bill has pulled it.

China Greenlights New Non-Animal Cosmetics Tests After PETA Push

The new tests will spare countless animals the agony of having substances dripped into their eyes and rubbed onto their skin.

These Queens Know That Animal Abuse Is a Total ‘Drag’

These drag queens have spoken up in favor of animal rights or going vegan. If you’re excited about the new season of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’ check this out!

PETA Welcomes Herbal Essences to the Beauty Without Bunnies List

PETA welcomes Herbal Essences to our list of brands that don’t test on animals!

Herbal Essences
© Curcic
30 Years Ago, PETA Exposed Cosmetics Testing—Look How Much Has Changed

“Once you’ve been here a few days, you lose respect for all living things. Torturing animals is the name of the game.” —Biosearch employee

Dove Earns Cruelty-Free Stamp of Approval, Added to ‘Beauty Without Bunnies’ List

No tests on animals for Dove, and parent Unilever bans all tests not specifically required by law across all other brands.

Deadly Virus Sweeping Through Mice in Laboratories

A recently identified virus is making mice in laboratories sick—and is making the results of experiments on them even more worthless.

Majority of Americans Now Oppose Experiments on Animals, Survey Shows

Since PETA’s inception, we’ve campaigned to shut down all experiments on animals. And now, the tide is turning like never before.

The New Industry Boom: Vegan Companies Create Jobs and Push Innovation

Innovative companies like Beyond Meat and Modern Times beer prove that when vegan industries are beneficial for humans, animals win.

Experimenters Want More ‘Openness’—PETA Says, Bring It On

PETA urges animal experimenters to video everything that they do—from giving dogs heart attacks to cutting open monkeys’ skulls—and make it public.

PETA’s Bunny Logo Seen Zooming Down the Track in Melbourne

Check out how the Australian Grand Prix got an extra special cruelty-free message over the weekend.

How to Get Away With Murder: Do It in a Lab

If you poisoned your grandma’s cat or lit your neighbor’s dog on fire, you’d likely face felony charges. Yet countless animals in labs endure the same fate every day.

PETA International Science Super-Group Celebrates Five Years

From giving away cool high-tech gadgets to scoring a Lush Prize (yes, that Lush), here are three ways that scientists with the PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. are winning big for animals.

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