Research Center Inmates Recaptured, More’s the Pity

On the “even the little guy sometimes gets a break” front, we recently received news that nine monkeys had escaped from the Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC). The monkeys apparently made a break for it when a laboratory worker left their outdoor cage unsecured (great idea—lab workers reading this please take note). Sadly, all … Read more »


  elephantjournal / CC To pass the time on long, boring drives, I often stare at passing license plates and rack my brain to decipher the messages. There are definitely some hilarious ones, but I’m most stoked when I see a plate with a compassionate message. Unfortunately, no one driving through Colorado will be seeing … Read more »

PETA Campaigners Say ‘FML’ / CC We’ve all had moments when life throws you such a curve ball that you just want to say, “Eff it!” I like to keep those moments to myself, but is Internet proof that some people (lots of people) like to share their embarrassing, funny, and frustrating moments with the world … Read more »

Turn Gitmo Into an Empathy Exhibit

  When President Obama appointed Daniel Fried (aka “the Guantanamo Closure Czar”) to oversee the closing of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center, many people let out a sigh of relief. Some would like to close Gitmo’s doors and forget about the alleged torture that took place there. But those who forget their history are destined … Read more »

San Francisco Mayor’s Restaurants Stop Selling Foie Gras

spokane / CC Tony Kushner, in his astonishing two-part play, Angels in America, describes San Francisco as “unspeakably beautiful.” Foie gras, on the other hand, is unspeakably horrible. So something seemed amiss when we heard that foie gras was still being sold at a Bay Area café chain called PlumpJack (named after another theatrical figure, … Read more »

Help Battle Seal Slaughterers in World of Warcraft

The following blog is a guest post from peta2’s Ryan. The fight against the Canadian seal slaughter has gone digital! That’s right, gamers, get ready: This Saturday, World of Warcraft (WoW) players will have the opportunity to combat a team of four Horde seal killers. We need your help to stop them from bashing in … Read more »

N.Y. Breeder Under Fire for Parasite-Infested Horses

Thoroughbred breeder Ernie Paragallo, whose horses were discovered emaciated and infested with parasites as they awaited slaughter in a pen, should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals. Paragallo said that he had given the horses up to a Florida-based breeder and that he did not know of their final destination (the slaughterhouse), but that certainly … Read more »

Something for Robert Pattinson to Bite Into

  sugarslam / CC The following is a guest blog from peta2’s Marta. If there’s one thing I like, it’s a guy who knows how to work a microwave. That might sound weird, but hear me out. For the past many months, my friend Starza and I have been working hard to bring you PETA’s … Read more »

Ringling’s K9 Act Isn’t Fooling Anyone / CC Not content with forcing just elephants, tigers, and other exotic animals to perform cheap tricks, Ringling’s mobile animal hell has added dogs to its list of prisoners. During a recent appearance on The Early Show, goons from Ringling’s new magic act, called “Zing Zang Zoom,” dragged along a few sad-looking pups … Read more »


Phew! We have so many great protest pictures to share that we decided to hit you with them all at once. Brace yourselves: Animal defenders of all ages turned out for our protest against the (ab)use of animals in trauma training exercises at Fort Bragg … … including baby McCartney (named after you-know-who). Our gaggle … Read more »

Sexiest Vegetarians Bare All

A record-breaking 200,000 votes poured in for this year’s Sexiest Vegetarian Next Door contest, and after four rounds of weeding out the hot from the super hot, we’ve finally selected the winners. As soon as we found out that Amber, the sexy photographer from Minnesota, and Monty, the globe-trotting filmmaker and artist from L.A., had … Read more »

Did You Get April Fooled?

  epets / CC If you were paying attention to the news yesterday, you may have seen quite a few stories about PETA—apparently, we were quite busy! The biggest story came from NPR, which reported on our efforts to save animals from the humiliation of having losing sports teams named after them. Our joint effort … Read more »

PETA ‘SNIPs’ 50,000 Animals

Check out this van: Isn’t it snazzy?   This van is our Animal Birth Control (ABC) mobile spay-and-neuter clinic. And do you know what makes it even snazzier? It’s just one of the low- to no-cost mobile veterinary clinics that we operate. Our other one, SNIP (Spay/Neuter Immediately, Please!), performed our 50,000th sterilization surgery today … Read more »

Airport Honored for Humanely Preventing Bird Strikes

  boeing / CC If you have a flight scheduled into or out of Seattle-Tacoma airport, congratulations. You’ll be in the good hands of the most progressive airport in the nation. When thinking airplane safety, most airports don’t do a whole lot to take into consideration all the birds who are forced to share their … Read more »

New EPA Report Recommends Moving Away from Animal Testing

kyecha / CC Finally. After PETA has spent the past 10 years hammering away at the Environmental Protection Agency over its absurdly archaic, repetitive, and wasteful—not to mention cruel—chemical-toxicity tests on animals, the agency has at last released a strategic plan for improving toxicity testing that basically says, “Yeah, what PETA said.” OK, that’s not … Read more »

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