After PETA’s Complaint, Hainan Airlines Stops Shipping Monkeys

In a rare move, the U.S. Department of Agriculture levied a $1,000 penalty against Hainan Airlines after confirming our complaint that the company had violated the federal Animal Welfare Act in August 2022 by flying 720 monkeys more than 8,000 miles from Cambodia to Chicago—without being registered with the agency as required. We’ve confirmed that … Read more »

PETA Science Consortium International Coauthors Paper Highlighting Issues With Tests on Rats

A paper coauthored by PETA Science Consortium International e.V. and published in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology shows how differences in the respiratory tracts of humans and rats make tests on rats an unreliable predictor of what happens when humans inhale a substance—and why non-animal tests should be used instead. The paper will be referenced around … Read more »

PETA Scientists Comment on Testing Requirements at Major ‘Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’ Meeting

PETA regulatory scientists attended the year’s most important meeting of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, where the 38 member countries vote on tests that companies will use to meet international regulatory testing requirements. Each year, PETA regulatory scientists are integral in reviewing and commenting on these tests, including several new and updated non-animal … Read more »

PETA Scientists Present on Non-Animal Test Methods at World’s Largest Toxicology Event

At the annual Society of Toxicology meeting, the world’s largest toxicology event of the year, drawing more than 5,000 attendees, PETA regulatory scientists chaired sessions, presented posters, and provided educational courses on non-animal methods for testing chemicals. They also participated in mentorship events to help early-career researchers advance their careers in non-animal toxicology testing.

Taiwan FDA Ends Iron Tests on Animals After Hearing From PETA

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) finalized a regulation that removes animal testing as an option for companies wanting to make human iron health claims for marketing their food and beverage products. The testing included feeding baby rats an iron-deficient diet to induce anemia and then feeding them a test food, after which their … Read more »

PETA Science Consortium International Awards Researchers for Removing Animal-Derived Ingredients in Cell Cultures

PETA Science Consortium International e.V. awarded Dr. Jens Kurreck, a professor of applied biochemistry at Technische Universität Berlin, funding to help him create a laboratory that introduces students to the practice of using cells that aren’t reliant on animal-derived ingredients. A scientist in Belgium also received the Science Consortium’s Early-Career Scientist Award for her work … Read more »

PETA Scientists Coauthor Paper on Methods to Test Chemicals Without Using Live Rabbits

PETA Science Consortium International e.V. coauthored a paper with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other collaborators on methods that can replace the use of live rabbits to test the effects of chemicals on human eyes. Building on this work, the EPA office that regulates industrial chemicals released a document encouraging companies to employ … Read more »

Army Ends Brain Damage Test on Ferrets at Wayne State After PETA Outcry

After hearing from PETA, a U.S. Army–funded brain damage experiment on ferrets ended more than six months ahead of schedule at Michigan’s Wayne State University. Ferrets will no longer be purposely bombarded with radio waves, killed, and dissected in this gruesome experiment, which ridiculously purported to model Havana syndrome in humans. PETA is urging the … Read more »

PETA’s Donation of TraumaMan Simulators to Support National Program in Albania Spares Sheep

As many as 18 sheep each year in Albania will no longer be cut apart and killed in medical training courses, thanks to PETA’s donation of two state-of-the-art TraumaMan surgical simulators to that country’s Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) national program. This brings the total number of countries that have ended the crude use of … Read more »

PETA Science Consortium International Donates Equipment to Support Animal-Free Testing

PETA Science Consortium International e.V. donated equipment, worth $120,000 in total, to two organizations that develop or conduct exclusively non-animal tests. One piece of equipment is used to assess the potential of chemicals to cause skin allergies or changes to DNA, while the other is used to assess the likelihood that inhaled chemicals will cause … Read more »

UT Southwestern Ends Use of Live Animals in OB/GYN Training

In a win for pigs, physicians, and patients, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center confirmed it would no longer use live animals for invasive medical procedures in its obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) physician residency training program, following pressure from PETA. Previously, its OB/GYN program had subjected at least 13 live pigs to laparoscopic hysterectomies, … Read more »

PETA Scientists Present at Premier Conference on Non-Animal Testing

PETA scientists chaired sessions and delivered oral and poster presentations at the 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences in Niagara Falls, Ontario. At this premier conference, they highlighted how to replace the use of fish in ecotoxicity testing, rats in inhalation toxicity testing, and rabbits in eye irritation testing.

Colombian University Becomes First in Latin America to Ban Near-Drowning Test on Animals

After PETA shared with Universidad del Valle (Univalle) overwhelming evidence of the scientific invalidity and cruelty of the forced swim test—in which rats, mice, or other small animals are dropped into inescapable beakers filled with water and forced to swim for their lives—this top public university decided to ban the experiment. Univalle, the most important … Read more »

Paper Coauthored by PETA Scientists Highlights the Use of Human Cell–Based Approaches for Inhalation Testing

A new paper coauthored by PETA scientists demonstrates how non-animal, cell-based methods can be used to predict the health effects of inhaled chemicals, rather than using tests in which rats are confined to small tubes and forced to inhale toxic chemicals. Funded by PETA Science Consortium International e.V., the study received great interest from the … Read more »

Ford Motor Company Slams the Brakes on Animal Testing

After relentless pressure from PETA, actor Lily Tomlin, and more than 125,000 dedicated supporters, we received confirmation that Ford Motor Company would definitively slam the brakes on its animal testing. Despite its assurance in 2009 that it didn’t conduct or fund such tests, we uncovered its financial involvement in a gruesome experiment in which 27 … Read more »

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