Sweet Victory! Learn Which Bogus Tests on Animals We Ended in Taiwan

The comment period is now closed. Thank you to all who took action! We’ll keep you updated.

Find Out How to Stop NIH From Giving Your Money to Foreign Labs

For years, NIH has been letting you foot the bill for people who are in the business of killing in foreign lands. The CARGO Act can end this reign of terror.

Suffering Swept Under the Rug: How Federal Oversight Is Failing Animals in Laboratories

A slap on the wrist for slicing open animals? Here are the wicked acts on which the federal government turns its back.

Stolen Organs, Death, and Disease: All You Need to Know About Xenotransplantation

Will the next pandemic come from pig organs? Here’s what you need to know about dangerous and deadly animal-to-human organ transplants.

Tell Your Senators: No More Money for Cruel Monkey Experiments!

Urge your U.S. senators to remove the provisions in the spending bill that would expand the cruel and flawed monkey experimentation agenda.

Scandinavian Airlines Makes Money by Flying Dogs to Their Deaths
Photo: Anima Denmark
Tell Utah State University to Stop Tormenting Rats in Psychology Course

Please send a polite letter to USU President Cockett and demand that the school replace all use of animals in PSY 3400 with effective, non-animal teaching methods; humane field research observing animals in their natural habitats; and/or ethical studies involving consenting humans.

It’s a Gamble U.S. Officials Won’t Take—but Canada Continues to Allow Monkey Imports

Tell Canadian officials to follow the U.S.’ lead and immediately shut down the monkey-importation trade in Canada.

Help Us Stop Simpson College From Using Rats in an Undergrad Psych Class

Please take action today by sending a polite letter to Simpson College urging it to adopt compassionate, non-animal teaching methods in its “Learning and Behavior” psychology course (PSYC 331).

The Devil’s in the Details: What Charles River Labs Doesn’t Want You to Know  
© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
NIH’s Misuse of Taxpayer Money May Soon Take a Major Hit

Please use the form below to urge your U.S. representative to cosponsor the CARGO Act today!

PETA to Taiwanese Food Companies: End Animal Tests for Selling Products!

PETA scientists are revolutionizing food industry testing worldwide by successfully persuading companies to use modern science and end the use of cruel and deadly animal experiments.

© iStock.com/mu_mu_
PHOTOS: Emaciated Dogs, Sick Cats Languish in Cramped Kennels at U.S. Contract Labs

Find out why workers at one testing facility left a yellow Labrador sitting in his own feces—and how you can avoid supporting the suffering of animals just like him.

Tell Congress to Prune Fees That Force Farmers to Fund Tests on Animals
The Feds Are Stalling—1,000 Endangered Monkeys Need Your Help!

Please take action today to urge the secretary of the interior to send these monkeys to sanctuary!

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
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